Full Length (21 & more Actors)

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  Anne of Green Gables

Drama by Anita Larsen

74 pages

13 m, 14 w, 5 flexible, extras

Based on the novel by L. M. Montgomery. When elderly Marilla Cuthbert and her shy brother Matthew decide to adopt an orphan to help with farm work, they expect a boy to arrive at the train station. Instead, a talkative, imaginative girl with fiery red hair and a taste for romance shows up--Anne (with an "e") Shirley. What use will she be to them? asks reserved Marilla, but tender-hearted Matthew feels they might be of some use to Anne. It turns out that all three are much more than useful to one another: they're as vital as breathing. In joyful, hilarious adv...

  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Drama Humor With Humor by Clay Presley

45 pages

11 m, 13 w, extras

From the story by Washington Irving.  Ichabod Crane, a nervous and superstitious sort, is the new schoolmaster assigned to Sleepy Hollow, a small town by the Hudson River. He sets his eyes on Katrina, the eldest daughter of rich farmer Baltus Van Tassel. But Katrina is already "claimed" by Brom Bones, the biggest bully in town! As Ichabod woos the fair Katrina, Brom schemes to regain what he considers his rightful place. He blackmails four unwilling witches into conjuring up the infamous Headless Horseman. With the help of a little stage magic, the Horseman m...

  The True Story of Hey Diddle Diddle

Comedy by Bradley Walton

58 pages

9 – 46 performers possible

We all know the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle," but when you stop to think about it...how can a cow jump over the moon? If a cat could play the fiddle, wouldn't it be all over the internet? Why is a dish running away with a spoon? What’s the little dog actually laughing at? And how do they all connect with each other? This family comedy offers seven different outlandish tales speculating about what might be “The True Story of Hey Diddle Diddle.” It has a completely gender-flexible cast of 9-46 actors and runs about 55 minutes in length. Its target audience...

  Scariest Play -- Ever!

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

67 pages

Widely flexible cast (5 -14 m, 9 - 31 w)

Horror movies can be lots of fun! Join producer C.C. Bellows as he meets five directors whose movie pitches come alive onstage. Of course, C.C. knows that audiences only really like what they’ve seen before, so each of the directors has tweaked a famous horror film. “The Calamityville Horror” tells the story of a family who move into a house that’s haunted by circus animals. In “Saturday the 14th,” a group of college kids hope to find the famous ghost, Jacob Voorbees, a hockey player who fell through thin ice. In “The Extortionist,” a young girl is possessed ...

  El Phantismo

Comedy by Tony Howell

68 pages

10 m, 12 w, and any number of townspeople

Three old crones start telling a magical pirate story to Sierra, a bored young woman who soon learns that an arranged marriage has been planned for her that very day! Feeling trapped, Sierra convinces the town loudmouth to meet her intended. Meanwhile, the young bridegroom, Santiago, plans the same ruse with his buddies. When he finally discovers it is Sierra he’s to marry, he tries to win her heart by posing as El Phantismo, the dashing, heroic pirate of the duenas’ story. Soon, Sierra’s girl friends fall for Santiago’s guy friends and weddings are planned. ...

  Video Mania!

Fantasy by Jeff Bengford

64 pages

5 m, 12 w, 10 flexible, extras

This is an adventure through cyberspace a battle between technology and imagination! The story begins in the home of a couple of ordinary kids when their babysitters are sucked into a video game. To rescue them, the kids must figure out how to get "into the game" where they discover that their babysitters are not the only ones in trouble! An evil sorceress called Chasm is draining all the imagination and color out of cyberspace and soon there will be nothing left. The kids enlist the aid of the rebellious Space Pirates to stop Chasm, rescue their babysitters,...

  The Queen’s Guard

Drama by Patti Veconi

88 pages

4 m, 4 w, 14 flexible, extras, doubling possible

It is the winter of 1859 and scarlet fever is rife in New England. As two children, Frances and Julianne Beale, are recovering together, they amuse themselves by playing a game of chess. But it is no ordinary game. Frances is following a historical chess book and convinces Julianne to turn their chess pieces into imaginary characters who come alive on the stage. What follows is a melodrama of sword fighting, murder, betrayal, love, and sacrifice, all against the background of a large chess board and moveable pieces. The Alabaster king has died and his widow, ...

  Broadway Lullaby

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

57 pages

10 m, 18 w, 4 flexible, doubling possible

It's 1927 and the 42nd Street Orphanage for Girls in New York is a bleak place. The McGrew Sisters, who head the orphanage, are mean and stingy to the teenage girls in their charge. Enter a new orphan, young Ginny Hobbs, with a trunk full of "magic" -- costumes and props from the vaudevillian circuit her late parents used to work. As the girls perform a few skits, two con artists form a plan. They'll get the girls to do an original show called "Broadway Lullaby," get it fully insured, and when it flops, collect all the money. But the girls have other plans! T...

  Robin Hood: The Next Generation

Comedy by Shirley McNichols

74 pages

10 m, 13 w, 3 flexible parts

Sir Robin Hood and Lady Marian have been married for 20 years and their beautiful daughter, Robin, is now about to come of age. The Queen insists Robin be wed to a man of royal lineage before assuming the throne. Being a woman of the next generation, Robin is naturally resentful about being married off so quickly without some romance. So she devises a contest in which the best archer and swordsman shall win her hand. Robin convinces her maid to stand in for her while she herself dresses as a man to compete to prove her point. Meanwhile, Prince Jarred resents ...

  Right Girl, Wrong Guy

Comedy by Tony Howell

73 pages

12 m, 13 w, optional extras

The wealthy Grayson clan has gathered for daughter Juliet’s wedding shower. Her brother, Jefferson, has brought along his new girlfriend, but Jefferson’s former girlfriend and Juliet’s former boyfriend both show up as well. Awkward! Things really heat up, however, when older brother, Jesse, falls for his brother’s new girlfriend. When Juliet’s fiancé has his secrets revealed, the wedding falls apart, and tears and accusations ensue… but in the end, the women come to realize that happiness is not that far away. They were simply with the wrong guy.

  Just Another Snow Day

Comedy by Bryan Starchman

71 pages

5 m, 6 w, 18 flexible or with doubling 3 m, 3 w

Snow day! In this collection of hilarious scenes we see how an unexpected day off from school can be an answer to a prayer…or not! Sweethearts Mark and Jessica aren’t feeling very sweet when, after a whole night of decorating the gym, the winter homecoming dance is canceled. Meanwhile, Paul is thrilled to get an invitation from Mary to go sledding, if only his overprotective mother will chill. Then there’s poor Julie – will she ever figure out how to get her tongue unstuck from the frozen flagpole? Woven throughout the many scenes, Trenton, a student, and Mr....

  Cinderella: A Dream Come True

Classic by Kristi Cunningham

49 pages

Flexible cast from 25 - 50

Here is the classic re-telling of the rags-to-riches fairytale of a young girl forced to live with her cruel stepmother and her equally cruel daughters. Cinderella's kind and gentle nature, despite her surroundings, makes her a favorite with the three feisty mice who have also taken up residence in the house. Their motto? "Get `em and bite `em and beat `em up!" Meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom, a somewhat childlike King and his Queen are zealous in their pursuit of grandchildren. A ball, a ball is the thing wherein they'll capture a daughter-in-law a...

  Disco Fever

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

69 pages

9 m, 16 w, and extras

Wealthy but ditzy Patricia Smitherton-Smatherton and her granddaughters realize something is very wrong when movers begin to repossess the furniture. Perkins, the perfect butler, tries to tell madam the problem lies with Stan D. Mann, her unscrupulous business manager. They don't believe him until they learn Stan plans to sell their house to a flashy Hollywood producer. The girls decide the only way to come up with the mortgage money is to send their grandmother away and turn the mansion into "Disco Dawg." They decorate the place in the current "groovy" `70s style, and everyone who's any...

  Tune In to Murder

Mystery by Craig Sodaro

66 pages

7 m, 13 w, plus 5-8 radio callers

Radio station manager Clay Davis learns that an heiress was poisoned at the secluded island resort where his girlfriend works. He goes to warn her but is trapped there with all the other guests. Then, not only does an elegant Countess disappear, but so does a withdrawn, mysterious maid. Murder suspects include the annoying neighbor who wants the island sold out to developers; the grouchy, inept handyman; and the burly, brainless new pool man. And who will be the next victim? Will it be the over-eager staff dietician; the unpublished mystery writer; the once-f...

  Family Album

Comedy Drama by Robert Frankel

68 pages

Flexible cast, 10 to 50

Picture yourself in your own family album with this incredibly funny, sometimes touching, always entertaining play. Pick and choose from some 20 different scenes about family life to design a play that makes your drama family unique. The scenes are in four groups, "Getting Along," "Bustin' Loose," "Problems and Opportunities," and "Life and Death." Some of the scenes are just plain fun, like "TV Wars" and "Name That Stress." Other scenes capture the heart, as "The Funeral" and "Senior Split." Rap numbers bridge your acts while an opening and closing family "p...