73 pages
Minimum cast of 10 plus drama teacher, maximum of 40
Here's a comedy that covers nearly every angle of the typical high school play with a dose of history and improvisation thrown in for good measure! A group of actors, who have apparently been abandoned by their drama teacher, have to fend for themselves opening night in front of a live audience. Their teacher has left them hanging because no one has been showing up to rehearsals and no one is really quite sure what they are supposed to do. The student assistant director and the stage manager step in, find a box of scripts which they pass out to the cast, and ...
67 pages
11 m, 14 w, extras
Tom Butterworth is determined to be the youngest cruise ship captain in history - even if this means sailing on a converted gunboat named "Vengeance" with a crew of rejects from Maritime High School, and a trio of girl singers who are passing themselves off as a famous show biz act. The engineer is seasick, the cruise hostess is pulling her hair in frustration, and a gung-ho nurse is practicing giving hypos by stabbing anything that's handy. And the passengers, well, they're a pretty unusual bunch! There's a fabulous Hollywood star, Honey Hotchkiss a clumsy p...
43 pages
9 - 22. (7 m, 9 w, 6 flexible. Minimum of 9 actors with doubling)
Welcome to present-day Sleepy Hollow. This famed little town now has traffic lights, modern plumbing, even a Dunkin’ Donuts – but traces from its past remain. A troupe of actors takes us on a tour of Sleepy Hollow, but the participants begin to suspect that there is perhaps more truth to the legend than they realized. This inventive adaptation delivers a faithful retelling of the classic short story within a contemporary framework. The past clashes with the present, as the young square off with the dead, and the Headless Horseman is thrust into a 21st century...
71 pages
3 m, 12 w, 2 flex and ensemble cast of 5 or more
Amelia Jones’s life is falling apart. Her father has left, her mother is usually drunk, and her brother, a high school senior before being expelled, must now try to support the family, such as it is. Then there’s Courtney and her posse who are dedicated to bullying Amelia, who finds herself with few friends. Now, another challenge. In a long-standing school tradition, each freshman must make a presentation on an American hero. Failing to choose a hero for herself, Amelia is assigned the historic female pilot, Amelia Earhart. Soon Earhart begins showing up in ...
55 pages
2 m, 9 w, 10 flex. Possible extras and doubling.
It’s the year 1890 in Saddlesore City. The Carson Hotel is a fun place to hang your hat and jist have a good ole time with friends and neighbors - playin' cards, dancin', laughin',singin', gossipin' and…drinkin' sassafras root beer by the gallons! Well, that's the way it used to be when Charles was alive but now it's just a sorry-eyed, sad-faced, ghost of a place where even the spiders are bored out of their minds! Widow Henrietta has become overwhelmed with both the duties of hotelin' and tryin' to raise Liza and Skeeter. Her once happy attitude has now turn...
67 pages
Flexible cast (Approx. 7 m, 14 w, extras)
Gram Hawley and granddaughter Cindy Lou run the general store in Happy Hollow, deep in the Ozarks, but there is a new highway coming through and that means Happy Hollow soon will be dynamited off the map. It's discovered Gram's property contains the biggest store of natural gas ever, and a couple of crooks want to have the unsuspecting Gram sign her land over to them. Enter some folks from Hollywood who insist on making a movie about life in the hills - if they can find some money - and some snobbish California relatives who loathe every minute with the weird...
58 pages
9 – 46 performers possible
We all know the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle," but when you stop to think about it...how can a cow jump over the moon? If a cat could play the fiddle, wouldn't it be all over the internet? Why is a dish running away with a spoon? What’s the little dog actually laughing at? And how do they all connect with each other? This family comedy offers seven different outlandish tales speculating about what might be “The True Story of Hey Diddle Diddle.” It has a completely gender-flexible cast of 9-46 actors and runs about 55 minutes in length. Its target audience...
83 pages
9 m, 14 w, 3 flexible, some doubling possible.
Luke needs to come up with money to pay the mortgage on the family ranch, and fast. His three friends offer to help him open up a dude ranch, and he knows he has no choice but to accept their generosity. At first, Luke is a little leery over the whole plan, but how hard can it be to teach a few city folk about life on a ranch? But things start to go wrong when his quirky guests arrive. There’s Aspen and Ariel, two hillbilly sisters who can’t keep their hands off of Luke’s friends Nash and Nolan. Next to arrive are Martha, Mercy, and Grace, who want a final ou...
71 pages
5 m, 6 w, 18 flexible or with doubling 3 m, 3 w
Snow day! In this collection of hilarious scenes we see how an unexpected day off from school can be an answer to a prayer…or not! Sweethearts Mark and Jessica aren’t feeling very sweet when, after a whole night of decorating the gym, the winter homecoming dance is canceled. Meanwhile, Paul is thrilled to get an invitation from Mary to go sledding, if only his overprotective mother will chill. Then there’s poor Julie – will she ever figure out how to get her tongue unstuck from the frozen flagpole? Woven throughout the many scenes, Trenton, a student, and Mr....
64 pages
5 m, 12 w, 10 flexible, extras
This is an adventure through cyberspace a battle between technology and imagination! The story begins in the home of a couple of ordinary kids when their babysitters are sucked into a video game. To rescue them, the kids must figure out how to get "into the game" where they discover that their babysitters are not the only ones in trouble! An evil sorceress called Chasm is draining all the imagination and color out of cyberspace and soon there will be nothing left. The kids enlist the aid of the rebellious Space Pirates to stop Chasm, rescue their babysitters,...
73 pages
12 m, 13 w, optional extras
The wealthy Grayson clan has gathered for daughter Juliet’s wedding shower. Her brother, Jefferson, has brought along his new girlfriend, but Jefferson’s former girlfriend and Juliet’s former boyfriend both show up as well. Awkward! Things really heat up, however, when older brother, Jesse, falls for his brother’s new girlfriend. When Juliet’s fiancé has his secrets revealed, the wedding falls apart, and tears and accusations ensue… but in the end, the women come to realize that happiness is not that far away. They were simply with the wrong guy.
75 pages
Large, flexible cast
Six separate stories of the macabre will test your goosebump factor. In "Effigy," members of a high school football team learn a gruesome lesson when school spirit is carried too far. In "Voices in the Attic," a sleepy father tries in vain to assure his kids that the sounds they keep hearing are only in their imagination. But can the boys' imaginations make an attic stair creak or turn a doorknob? In "Night-Screamers," why do the children who live in the ancient apartment complex on the edge of town have so many nightmares? One tale makes use of sign language...
64 pages
11 m, 15 w, 2 flexible
It's the 1940s and Maggie Maxwell is frustrated her father won't let her join his successful detective agency. To prove herself, Maggie sneaks an invitation addressed to him to attend a publicity party at a remote mansion for a new detective novel, "Die, Swine! Die!" A group of PI's, her ex-boyfriend who's a newspaper reporter, and members of the dangerous Viola crime family also attend. Just as a group of actors are ready to play out a scene from the novel, they are interrupted. Gun-fire, a mysterious caretaker, the high-strung novelist, and a key witness cr...
61 pages
8 m, 14 w, extras
The students of Hilltop High are excited! They're going to put on a performance of "Romeo and Juliet." But the drama director, Miss Peggy Donahue, pressed into service by a principal eager to please his superintendent, is horrified. Twenty years before, when she was a student at Hilltop High, she starred in a disastrous musical version of Shakespeare's "Scottish Play," and she believes the curse lingers on. Sure enough, everything that can go wrong does. The set for the balcony scene collapses, the actress playing Juliet breaks her leg in a freak accident, he...
76 pages
13 m, 13 w, doubling possible; optional scene with children plus three flexible characters
The fun all begins when a rich businessman named Billy offers a considerable sum of money to a struggling matchmaking company providing its owners, three lovely sisters, can find his friend a perfect match within a week's time. Naturally, the sisters are extremely excited about this, especially since their company has suffered a host of problems from software issues to mismatched couples. But the generous offer doesn’t look so rosy when they meet Billy's friend, Bubba, an illiterate hick who knows absolutely nothing about the intricacies of dating a woman. No...