72 pages
Flexible cast of 32
Those wild and loveable Ozark hillfolk, the Hawleys, decide to pay a surprise visit to their California cousin, Charles "Chicory" Seabury, and his snobbish wife, Josephine. They couldn't have picked a worse time for Josephine is planning an exclusive reception for visiting royalty. After trying unsuccessfully to get rid of the relatives, Josephine decides they'll have to attend charm school. When that fails, she locks them in their rooms. But the clever hillbillies, led by Gram Hawley, are not so easily put off. On top of it all, Josephine realizes someone ha...
73 pages
8 m, 8 w, 11 flexible parts
Laura Armbruister is posing as her own substitute teacher because the school administration wants to put an end to all this drama nonsense, but they can't close down the upcoming play until they find Ms. Armbruister to fire her. Meanwhile, a fellow teacher and admirer, Steve Clarkson, is doing what he can to help Laura keep her job. But one of the students gets the wrong idea and thinks the two teachers are eloping at lunchtime! The students decide to come up with their own plan to save the show, which includes having the lead, Dave, dress as Ms. Armbruister....
64 pages
Widely flexible cast (16-40 actors)
Here is a collection of stories to make your blood turn cold. "Urban Legends" starts with a whirlwind tour that covers many of the famous and infamous urban legends we’ve grown up hearing and fearing. It then delves deeper, dramatizing full stories in chilling detail. In “The Survivor” we meet the sole survivor of a plane crash who has lost his only love, but while the other bodies have been retrieved, hers will never be found. “On Second Hand” features a young man who has a close call with death and suddenly his life is literally flashing before his eyes. “W...
28 pages
1 m, 6 w, ensemble of 15 or more actors
Set in Madame Claudette’s Shadow Circus of 1915, this stirring play follows the life of a foundling infant who grew up to be known as the “Prince of Clowns.” Alfie’s life is narrated by the Bearded Lady, who offers us an insightful philosophy of life. Meet dynamic characters such as the Fortune Teller, Madame Claudette herself, and the refined young woman, Nedda, who is running away from a dark past. Nedda and Alfie become a popular circus act and live peacefully. However, Alfie’s family is threatened ten years later by the villainous mobster Olympia. Nedda’...
71 pages
7 m, 9 w, 25 flexible, doubling possible
Adapted from the stories by Rudyard KiplingHere's an energetic dramatization of the classic tale of Mowgli, the man-cub, who was abandoned as a baby in the jungle and raised by wolves. With Baloo, the bear, and Bagheera, the panther, as mentors, the growing boy has no trouble avoiding Shere Khan, the tiger, who wants to eat him. But when his two protectors leave him alone in the jungle to test his mettle, Mowgli suddenly finds he's got more trouble than he knows how to handle. The monkeys kidnap him and haul him off to the Forbidden City. Then two hyenas, who...
71 pages
Flexible cast from 10 to 40
If drama has always taken a back seat to athletics at your school, it's time to bring all those sports nuts into your theatre. From baseball to football to tennis to chess and beyond, you'll find scenes about every aspect of sports -and life - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the funny! Pick and choose from 18 scenes to create a show that's just right for your team. You'll laugh at scenes like "Competition," "Coaching School," and the hysterical new game show, "Face Off." You'll be taken by scenes as "Teamwork," "Finding Time," and the offbeat "Adult Games," ...
90 pages
Flexible cast of 13 to 40
When Fred is forced to go to the library to do a report, he meets the Book Master, a magical character who introduces him to some of the most popular fictional characters ever created. Before his eyes, sections from several great books are acted out. You can choose whichever 6 to 8 scenes of the 9 included to comprise a full evening's entertainment. Scenes include "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "Little Women" (Americana); "Jane Eyre" (Gothic); "Dracula" and "The Monkey's Paw" (horror); "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "A Thousand and One Arabi...
59 pages
8 m, 14 w
When Max Holsten sets out for work leaving behind his briefcase and an unfinished breakfast, his quaint 1950s family is besieged by a series of misunderstandings that fester into conspiracy theories and suspicions. The extended family Max and his newlywed wife, April, have been living with are no comfort. April’s sister June has an obsession with pulp-fiction intrigue and leads April to assume the worst about Max. Making matters murkier, Grandma May, the aged and easily confused matriarch of the family, misstates all the facts. Max’s seemingly simple oversigh...
88 pages
Widely flexible cast of 45 characters. (3 m, 6 w, 36 flexible)
Andy would do anything for his sister. Perhaps even end the world. This post-apocalyptic dark comedy of wishes gone wrong takes the audience on a wonderfully bizarre, humorous, frightening, and surprisingly heartfelt journey. Along the way there are British zombies, a mind-reader, a trickster who only wants a good story, hip vampires, a hero who both slays and saves, and multitudes of other oddities.
But at its heart, the play is about family, f...
67 pages
Widely flexible cast (5 -14 m, 9 - 31 w)
Horror movies can be lots of fun! Join producer C.C. Bellows as he meets five directors whose movie pitches come alive onstage. Of course, C.C. knows that audiences only really like what they’ve seen before, so each of the directors has tweaked a famous horror film. “The Calamityville Horror” tells the story of a family who move into a house that’s haunted by circus animals. In “Saturday the 14th,” a group of college kids hope to find the famous ghost, Jacob Voorbees, a hockey player who fell through thin ice. In “The Extortionist,” a young girl is possessed ...
67 pages
4 m, 9 w, 6 flexible, extras, much doubling possible
Faerie Tale, keeper of the stories of the wood, begins this classic tale, retold with a bit of an Irish twist. It’s the beloved story of a kind-hearted prince, cursed to live as a beast, and the girl who comes to love him. Due to the scheming by the family business manager, a devoted father believes he and his three daughters are destitute and move to a rundown cottage. They are unaware that the land is under an enchantment until Father encounters the Beast nearby. For having picked a rose from the Beast’s garden, Father is forced to make a promise to return....
76 pages
11 m, 22 w, 2 flexible. (Minimum cast 2 m, 5 w, 2 flexible.)
A King, grieving over the death of his son, demands that a weaver create a tapestry that will provide comfort. The woman weaves six tales into her tapestry. The first tells the story of young woman who must learn about herself. The second concerns two farmers who have a chance at a tremendous fortune, but it may cost them everything. Other tales teach more lessons. Finally the Woman weaves the story of Tatiana, a mother who loses her daughter and almost succumbs to her own grief. Upon completion of the tapestry, the King must decide whether he has found conso...
55 pages
15 m, 25 w, 2 flexible, doubling
Loosely based on Dickens' "Oliver Twist." It's 1955 and young Oliver is taken from a dismal orphanage by the oppressive MacDonald family. Oliver dreams of having a family like the one on the TV series, "We Love the Brewsters," and runs away to Hollywood hoping to join them. Instead, he meets up with Nancy, a waitress at Tinseltown Malt Shop, and Bill Sikes and his band of pickpockets. Oliver has the good fortune to try to pick the pocket of the producer of the Brewster show, and Oliver actually lands a spot in the perfect television family. But just when life...
63 pages
5 m, 10 w, 15 flexible, 1 optional
Welcome to Delight, Italy! The once happy village is now a sad town ruled by the not-so-very-nice Signora Notsobene Pantalone. The townspeople are frightened of her, while her spirited daughter, Piccola, feels smothered by her mother's rules. Then a ragtag troupe of traveling actors turns everything upside down. Led by a woman who looks surprisingly like the signora, and with other characters assuming disguises, there's lots of comedic confusion. And it might just lead the citizens of Delight back to their heritage of fun. Winner of the Columbia Entertainment...
65 pages
8 m, 17 w, doubling possible
Ah, the glories of Camelot! Knights in armor, damsels in distress, and...girls on motorcycles!? King Arthur has been forced to retreat through a portal to the future created by Merlin when Camelot was captured by the forces of evil. Arthur and the ladies-in-waiting must remain in this century until he can enlist a new band of knights to retake his rightful throne. Unfortunately, the pickings are quite slim. His knights-in-training consist of three college guys who practice horsemanship on a riding lawn mower and fencing with sticks and trash can lids. Just wh...