Many of our children's theatre musicals have fully orchestrated rehearsal and performance tracks on a flash drive. This means the first half of the tracks have vocals so youth actors can learn the music and the second half of the tracks have just instrumental tracks which you can play during your production.
68 pages
8 m, 12 w, 1 flexible
The Wicked Witch is on trial for her crimes in the land of Once Upon a Time in this madcap musical featuring several favorite characters from many fairy tales. The cast of characters includes the Fairy Godmother as the judge, the Three Little Pigs as bailiffs, and Jack the Giant Killer as the guard. Witnesses for the prosecution and defense provide a variety of toe-tapping tunes such as a swinging Big Bad Wolf in “The Wolf of Wall Street,” an operatic Rapunzel in “I Love to Sing,” and a rocking Gingerbread Man in “Go, Gingie, Go!” The Wicked Witch herself cas...
67 pages
Large, flexible cast
Confusion and fun are the business of the day at Kamp KAOS, a summer camp that boasts its own 12-watt radio station. It's opening day at the camp and director Wally Schneider is already in trouble: the mortgage is due, the world's wealthiest woman wants to buy the camp, the county health inspector is coming, and the mysterious weather phenomenon El Gordo has brought a migration of mice! When Wally accidentally eats cheese laced with sedative, it's up to the wacky gang of counselors and campers to save the day. This one-set musical can easily expand or contrac...
40 pages
1 m, 5 w, 15 or more flexible, extras and doubling possible
The Awesome family has been so successful at fighting Champion City crime that they have decided to release all the villains. Yes, General Mayhem, Corporal Punishment, and the others in the Army of Evil are free.
The Awesome family now travels to where crime fighters are needed. Meanwhile the youngest, Annie Awesome, is at odds with being in a superhero family as she’s often stuck doing not so heroic tasks. She meets normal citizen Fiona who dreams of making a real difference in the...
60 pages
Large, flexible cast
Humans are a species constantly on the move from here to there to - who knows where! This revue explores the world of transportation and asks the timeless question, "Are we there yet?" Travel way back in time to when walking was the only way to get somewhere. Then came the discovery of the wheel, and things really started rollin'! Soon mankind conquered the sea, the sky, the plains, outer space, and the newest frontier, cyberspace! With a flexible cast and minimal sets, nothing can stop you from presenting this tuneful travelogue as topnotch entertainment. Th...
41 pages
6 - 21 performers possible
From the story by Hans Christian Andersen. "The Snow Queen" is an enduring tale of faith, devotion and the magic of friendship between a young boy, Kay, and his best friend, Gerda. One winter evening, Gerda's grandmother tells them the story of an evil troll whose magic mirror shattered into a million pieces. When a sliver from that mirror lodges in Kay's heart and in his eye, he becomes mean and ugly, and is carried off in the Snow Queen's sleigh. Gerda sets out all alone to search for Kay, and in her perilous venture meets an Old Woman who casts a spell on ...
67 pages
8 m, 8 w, 12 or more flexible
Prince Fred wants more than anything to find the princess of his dreams. His mother, the queen, wants to stay young – in other words, no marriage and no grandchildren! And that means no partying or dancing. To preserve the appearance that the queen wants Fred to marry, the kingdom has advertised far and wide for a suitable princess. Unfortunately, the outlook is bleak until the Jester finds an incognito princess. Tired of being deluged with unsuitable suitors proposed by her military-like father, Princess Philamena has escaped and taken employment in Fred’s p...
43 pages
Flexible cast size of 13-20+
When the famous pirate Dave the Brave and his faithful first mate Marisa the Cowardly discover a map leading to the Treasure of Prophecy, they know they must follow it! They need to find the treasure before Dave’s archnemesis, Lady Legs, for whoever holds the map controls destiny! Dave and Marisa hire the Pirateers, a group of five misfits (and one puppet!), to help them, but the trip won’t be smooth sailing. Along the way, they’ll have to deal with rapping crocodiles, singing sirens, and mischievous seagulls who are all determined to stop the ship for their ...
49 pages
Flexible cast from 12 to 60
This musical is a hip-hop, happenin' history lesson. From dinosaur extinction to Columbus, from the wheel to space exploration, they're all rediscovered in this clever, chaotic, comical cataclysm of creativity. From the rockin' "Big Bang" opening number and careening toward a stirring big finale anthem, "Circle of Friends," this upbeat, tuneful score also includes numbers like "It Stinks to Be Extinct," "Me and My Wheel," "You Better Avoid the Asteroids," and "Cave, Sweet Cave." Flexible casting for either a small ensemble playing a variety of roles, or a lar...
41 pages
6 m, 9 w, 12 flexible
The age-old competition between Mother Goose and the Brothers Grimm isn't abating. Mother Goose's employees encourage her to take a vacation, but while she's gone, Simple Simon messes everything up and the employees go on strike. The only way Simon can bring them back to work and get the company out of the red is to agree to have them appear on a fairy-tale television special with the Brothers Grimm and their employees. Unfortunately, the Brothers plan to sabotage the show! Eleven swingin' but sophisticated songs include "Grimm, Grimm, Grimm," "Vacation," "Fr...
72 pages
With doubling: 7 m, 12 w, 2 flexible. Many extras including children.
Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice in Wonderland," has been contracted by a theatrical producer, Sir Henry Irving, to adapt his book into a stage play. Carroll, multi-talented but totally disorganized, has put off the writing of the play until the day before it is due. To help him create it, he gets Alice Liddell and her friends and family to improvise all the delightful characters. Even his staid housekeeper, a local handyman and two of Carroll's university students end up playing the roles of the Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar, and the March Hare and Dor...
65 pages
5 m, 3 w
Here is the timeless story of how a young maiden named Beauty bravely lives in the castle of a frightening Beast, and how her gradual love for him breaks the curse he is under, turning him back into a prince. All the favorite characters are here, including a likable prince, a kind, fair person even when he is a furry beast; Beauty, a beautiful young maiden who lives up to her name in spirit and self-reliance; and a wizard who wonders why the audience doesn't delight in his evilness. Other characters include Beauty's blustery and somewhat silly father, Otto Vo...
61 pages
Widely flexible cast (minimum 7 m, 5 w, chorus)
From the day we're hatched to the day we spread our wings and fly on our own, there are a series of requisite, riotous rites of passage that must be experienced. This collection of humorous scenes and hummable songs explores the innocent squawk of infancy, the terrible twos, the treacherous teens, and everything in between. There are tactics for dealing with those who endeavor to shape, stretch and warp our minds and bodies, like gym teachers, substitute teachers and those cafeteria culinary queens, "The Little Lunch Ladies." From the angst of acne, adolescen...
88 pages
9 m, 15 w, and numerous extras, doubling possible
Set in an all-female boarding school in Victorian London, young Sara Crewe loses all her money and place in society when her father dies. Forced by the merciless headmistress to work in slave-like conditions in the school she once attended, Sara dreams of a better life. She uses her vivid imagination to deal with her adversity and even bring happiness to those around her. She encounters all sorts of characters, from the school bully and her cronies, to the nervous servant girl, to the mysterious old gentleman who moves in next door... The songs have been writ...
30 pages
Flexible cast of 16 or more
Join Clever Jack, a loyal family cow, a Peddler who sells magical beans, a Goose that lays golden eggs, a magical Harp, a mean Giant, and other delightful characters in this rousing musical! A dozen original songs ranging from ragtime to bebop push this musical to the top! You can't help but snap your fingers to the chorus' opening song, "Long Ago," and if a softshoe number, "Two Little Lonely Bags of Money," doesn't make you want to get up and dance, we can guarantee the finale with its hoedown quality certainly will! Multiple stage levels make it easy for J...
35 pages
Flexible cast 50 to 500
Here's an excellent adaptation of the story with all the beloved characters including Dorothy, Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, the Munchkins, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Wicked Witch. There's plenty of room for other performers, too, as winged monkeys, animals, guards and servants. Lively, original music, including music for the dances (which may be left out without hurting the story) make a musical your children and audiences will love. Performance time is 90 minutes.