Full Length (21 & more Actors)

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  One Wife Too Many

Comedy by Tony Howell

72 pages

6 m, 9 w, and 6 flexible

James Holden, TV star, is a busy man. He has just returned from his honeymoon with his 4th wife, or so he thinks. Turns out his first wife, Velvet, didn’t die in that avalanche five years ago after all. And his second wife, Phoebe, didn’t file the divorce papers correctly. And his third wife, Rita, didn’t sign the annulment. Rita’s current fiancé, Max, happens to be a mob boss and has decided to take the annulment into his own hands. Everyone has their own agenda as they make their way to James’s apartment. Max and his goons arrive and begin to take hostages ...

  Cases of Mistaken Identity

Comedy by Tony Howell

72 pages

10 m, 15 w, extras

It's the late 1800s and various travelers are boarding a train for their trip West, including young lovers who are being kept apart by her parents; a secret agent in-training; an elderly woman; a group of showgirls; and a couple who have just pulled off their first jewel heist. Many of the travelers have identical suitcases which are accidentally switched. As the passengers mingle, some cases are intentionally switched, and then switched again. While the thieves frantically try to keep track of their jewels, the novice agent ends up dressed as a showgirl, thi...

  Don't Rock the Boat

Comedy by Tim Kelly

67 pages

11 m, 14 w, extras

Tom Butterworth is determined to be the youngest cruise ship captain in history - even if this means sailing on a converted gunboat named "Vengeance" with a crew of rejects from Maritime High School, and a trio of girl singers who are passing themselves off as a famous show biz act. The engineer is seasick, the cruise hostess is pulling her hair in frustration, and a gung-ho nurse is practicing giving hypos by stabbing anything that's handy. And the passengers, well, they're a pretty unusual bunch! There's a fabulous Hollywood star, Honey Hotchkiss a clumsy p...

  Wild Pink

Comedy by Margaret Witt

80 pages

8 m, 11 w, 6 flexible, extras.

A hog farmer has three smart sons but absolutely no money to send them to college. A rich, snooty, old maiden aunt has a fortune but years ago she made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with the farmer’s family. What to do? The three boys don wigs, dresses, heels and even Wild Pink fingernail polish for a challenging weekend visit with their estranged aunt. Their desperate mission: to convince her she has three beautiful nieces who are worthy of her millions. And worthy they are when the boys discover someone is embezzling their aunt’s money. Switching b...


Comedy by Craig Sodaro

59 pages

45 speaking parts (minimum 7 m, 14 w with doubling)

Modern language and loads of humor make this version of the Greek tale one that today's audience is sure to enjoy. Hercules' girlfriend, Megara, has been poisoned by a jealous Hera and now he must complete eight tasks for Hera or lose Megara's love forever. The problem is, Hercules is a bit of a wimp and it doesn't look as if he will be performing any great feats of strength much less act particularly clever. Yet, he humbles the cocky Stymphalian birds, gets the best of the shady Arcadian stag, resists the Erymanthian Bore, cleans up King Augeus' act and give...

  Hollywood Hillbillies

Comedy by Tim Kelly

67 pages

Flexible cast (Approx. 7 m, 14 w, extras)

Gram Hawley and granddaughter Cindy Lou run the general store in Happy Hollow, deep in the Ozarks, but there is a new highway coming through and that means Happy Hollow soon will be dynamited off the map. It's discovered Gram's property contains the biggest store of natural gas ever, and a couple of crooks want to have the unsuspecting Gram sign her land over to them. Enter some folks from Hollywood who insist on making a movie about life in the hills - if they can find some money - and some snobbish California relatives who loathe every minute with the weird...

  Discovering Amelia

Drama by Trey Clarkson

71 pages

3 m, 12 w, 2 flex and ensemble cast of 5 or more

Amelia Jones’s life is falling apart. Her father has left, her mother is usually drunk, and her brother, a high school senior before being expelled, must now try to support the family, such as it is. Then there’s Courtney and her posse who are dedicated to bullying Amelia, who finds herself with few friends. Now, another challenge. In a long-standing school tradition, each freshman must make a presentation on an American hero. Failing to choose a hero for herself, Amelia is assigned the historic female pilot, Amelia Earhart. Soon Earhart begins showing up in ...

  Lavender & Lunatics

Comedy by Tony Howell

65 pages

24-26 roles + extras (7m, 10 w, 7-9 flexible)

Lorelei Lavender is staging a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but unknown to her, a couple of would-be bank robbers are hiding out in her theatre and have become part of the cast. On top of that she has to deal with backstage drama, divorced movie stars, loan payments, and a tough-guy cop who keeps stopping rehearsals. Designed to work on a bare stage, much of the action plays in the house and is best staged to use all entrances from backstage to light booth. Costumes are modern with rehearsal pieces added throughout the course of the show, ...


Comedy by Eddie McPherson

70 pages

8 - 14 m; 9 - 11 w; 8 either; optional extras

Get ready to break the fourth wall in this outrageously silly parody. Princess Esmeralda has fallen in love with Lance A. Lot, a mortal from the real world. When the uptight King and Queen learn of their daughter’s affection for this human, they banish him and strip Esmeralda’s helpful fairy godmother of her powers. In the meantime, everyone in the kingdom is stuck in limbo because no one in the real world is reading fairy tales anymore. Cinderella can never have her glass slipper, Jack can never climb his beanstalk, Beauty’s beau will always be a beast … and...

  Born to Be Wild

Comedy by Bryan Starchman

62 pages

Widely flexible cast of 32. (Minimum: 2 m, 1 w, 2 flexible.)

Ever wonder why your cat acts like he's king of the world? Or why flamingos stand on one leg? Have you ever imagined what a spider would have to say to a fly just before devouring him, or what "small talk" sounds like when a cannibalistic female praying mantis goes on a date with a naive male praying mantis? Well, Bryan Starchman has given the animals of the world a voice in this hilarious comedy. Focusing on simple costumes and sets, a large flexible cast, and ten whacky scenes, your audience will get to see and hear what animals really think about us humans...

  Welcome to the Haunted House

Mystery by Craig Sodaro

42 pages

Flexible cast of 45 (minimum 12)

Miss Crandall and her junior high students are returning home late one night from a field trip when their bus breaks down and they are forced to seek shelter in an old abandoned house that legend has is haunted. While Miss Crandall goes for help, the kids keep up their spirits by telling spooky stories -- stories about a teacher who is really a vampire, a rude girl who is turned into a doll, a mummy that is sent as a gift and two others. The stories raise lots of goosebumps and lots of laughs. With easy staging, simple props and performance time of only an ho...

  Maxwell, P.I.

Comedy Mystery by Shirley McNichols

64 pages

11 m, 15 w, 2 flexible

It's the 1940s and Maggie Maxwell is frustrated her father won't let her join his successful detective agency. To prove herself, Maggie sneaks an invitation addressed to him to attend a publicity party at a remote mansion for a new detective novel, "Die, Swine! Die!" A group of PI's, her ex-boyfriend who's a newspaper reporter, and members of the dangerous Viola crime family also attend. Just as a group of actors are ready to play out a scene from the novel, they are interrupted. Gun-fire, a mysterious caretaker, the high-strung novelist, and a key witness cr...

  Dragon's Lair

Comedy by Katie B. Oberlander

48 pages

8 m, 10 w, 19+ flexible, doubling possible

Step onto the set of “Dragon's Lair,” a reality television show where fairytale entrepreneurs pitch their new ideas and products to the richest and most powerful business investors in all the land. The Dragons, named for their ruthless business practices, include Rumpelstiltskin, a gold-obsessed goblin who spun his way to riches; Evil Queen, inventor of Magic Mirror and dungeon torture devices; Fairy Godmother, a lifestyle guru and magical matchmaker; and notorious outlaw philanthropist Robin Hood. If the Dragons hear a great idea, they’re ready to invest, us...

  The Legend of Robin Hood

by J.L. Reiman

70 pages

28 - 34 (Flexible; some doubling possible; optional extras) Minimum cast: 17 m, 9 w, 1 flexible

Life in medieval times is hard, especially with greedy King John sitting on England’s throne. Nottingham’s townspeople are constantly terrorized and taxed by the Sheriff and his cronies. Families who can’t afford to pay are separated from their loved ones, forced to work off debts, and even driven from their homes. Robert of Locksley finds himself in this very predicament. After losing his home, a bounty is placed on his head, forcing him to flee and leave his beloved Maid Marion behind. Robert joins a band of merry men (and women!) taking refuge in Sherwood ...

  Waking Sleepy Hollow

Comedy by Jonathan Yukich

43 pages

9 - 22. (7 m, 9 w, 6 flexible. Minimum of 9 actors with doubling)

Welcome to present-day Sleepy Hollow. This famed little town now has traffic lights, modern plumbing, even a Dunkin’ Donuts – but traces from its past remain. A troupe of actors takes us on a tour of Sleepy Hollow, but the participants begin to suspect that there is perhaps more truth to the legend than they realized. This inventive adaptation delivers a faithful retelling of the classic short story within a contemporary framework. The past clashes with the present, as the young square off with the dead, and the Headless Horseman is thrust into a 21st century...