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  Mustn’t Tell

Comedy by Christopher Morse

On a sunny day in a surbaban living room in the 1960s, five women gather for tea. Hostess Bettie has sent friends Bonnie, Bunnie, and Bootie out to see her garden – a ploy which allows Bettie to share a juicy tidbit of gossip with the fifth woman, Darla. It seems that the “man-crazy” Bonnie once again disgraced herself at the bridal shower which all five recently attended. Darla listens obediently but is plainly reluctant to be made the keeper of secrets. The others return, and now Bonnie button-holes Darla and relates a similar tidbit concerning the “sweet b...

19 pages. 5 w

  Super Spies & Pizza Pies

Comedy one-act by John Shanahan

Things are about to get weird at Picka Packa Pizza. Word is out in the spy community that super-spy Jamie Gold is coming to this hole-in-the-wall pizzeria to pick up top secret documents. The problem is, Gold is a master of disguise and could be anyone, from average customers to the picky eater who can’t decide what to order to the new delivery person who’s got the worst luck in the world. But that won’t stop two teams of rival snoops from trying to make a name for themselves by getting the best of Jamie Gold! Their only clue is that instead of a password, Go...

42 pages. 10 or more actors and extras

  The Odyssey: A Comedy, Mostly

Comedy Greek Mythology by Julia Romano

“The Odyssey: A Comedy, Mostly” is an adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey. It follows the well-known story of Odysseus’s journey from the battlefields of Troy back home to Ithaca and features familiar characters such as Odysseus, Athena, Poseidon, Circe, Penelope, and the Cyclops. The play was written with casual and modern language and a comedic tone, but it involves some dramatic moments and routinely breaks the fourth wall. About 90 minutes.

58 pages. Flexible cast of 14 – 29 actors

  So Rude! A Riff on "A Midsummer Night’s Dream"

Comedy by James Venhaus

“So Rude!” is a modern adaptation of the Rude Mechanicals scenes from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Erin is the leader of her high school drama club, and her senior project is to mount a production of “Pyramus and Thysby.” Everything that can go wrong does, from missing actors, flubbed lines, and malfunctioning costumes and props. By the time the curtain goes up, it could be a triumph or a tragedy. Or both!

31 pages. 2 m, 4 w

  Bettye and the Jockettes

Comedy by Christie Perfetti Williams

It’s July 3, 1956 and the jockettes of WHER, America’s first "all-girl" radio station in Memphis, Tennessee, are having one heck of a day: the copywriter has run off to elope, they have just found out that the Elvis Presley is coming to the station to be interviewed on-air and their star DJ Bettye has shown up… in pants! When Elvis’s record promoter arrives and is none other than Bettye’s former flame Benjamin, sarcastic zingers fly, sisterhoods are forged, and secrets are exposed. Approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes.

62 pages. 2 m, 5 w

  Keep the Change

Comedy by Michael Clossin

“Keep The Change” tells the story of the landlady of Moonshadow Apartments and two of her favorite tenants—Henry and Shake. Investment manager Henry Cale prefers to manage his irrational fears and anxieties from the safety of his apartment. He is secretly in love with longtime friend, content creator and world traveler Emma. When Emma invites Henry to accompany her to a distant tropical paradise, he must choose between his comfortable, controlled existence or the intimidating terrors of the world outside his door. Advising Henry is his elderly, still-a-hippie...

68 pages. 3 m, 5 w, plus one offstage female voice