Children's Theatre Plays

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  The Two Dwarves & Seven Whites

Comedy by Christopher Gieschen

41 pages

5 m, 7 w, 1 flexible

In this variation of the classic fairy tale, two human-sized dwarves, Beryllium and Boron, must help handsome Prince Suave find a bride. The sometimes sharp-tongued, but often wise Mirror helps Beryllium deal with his mischievous brother. Boron is a clever rascal who ends up tricking the mirror and involving the two inept Wong brothers in his schemes. The Prince speaks fluent medieval English which adds to the charm of the play. Now he must choose one of the White sisters for his bride: Snow White, the eldest; Egg White, the brain; Bleached White, the airhead...


Fantasy by Craig Sodaro

51 pages

Flexible cast, approx. 9 m, 13 w

By a quirky twist of fate, high school student Mary Jo Swanson and her younger brother and sister are given three wishes by a genie trapped in a bottle that's just been stolen from the art museum. They soon learn you have to be careful what you wish, for it may come true! Their first wish brings a hot music star right into their living room, but he's so dazed he can only croak a song. Their second wish plunks Mary Jo's sweetheart into the throes of deepest puppy love and he turns into an incredible pest. Those two, along with a wild assortment of crazy charac...

  Cat's Tale

Classic by Craig Sodaro

44 pages

8 m, 12 w, 18 flexible parts

Colorful and exciting human and animal roles make this children's tale a delight. A young, orphaned boy, Dick Whittington, saves a cat, Whiskers, from a dangerous dog. Later, when Dick finds work in a manor house in London but is forced to sleep on the floor with the rats, Whiskers shows up in the nick of time to save him. Dick keeps Whiskers a secret until the master's ship sets sail. Tradition says Dick must give his master something of value so good luck follows the voyage. Since Whiskers is the only thing Dick owns, he sadly gives the cat. Life seems hope...


Comedy by William Springer

26 pages

3 m, 7 w, extras

A broad version of the classic fairy tale containing all the original characters as the Fairy Godmother from the FGA (Fairy Godmothers Anonymous); Cinderella (an alias - her real name is Beulah Yenkowitz); Judy Andrews, the stepmother; and Patsy, Maxi and Levine, the Andrews sisters. After the Fairy Godmother creates the perfect ball gown, Cinderella finds it's the wrong size! How will she get to the ball? In a "Rent-a-Coach," of course!

  Emperors' New Clothes - The Bare Facts

Fairy Tale by Vern Adix

52 pages

7 m, 7 w

This play is a new twist on the old-fashioned fairy tale. Two emperors from tiny, neighboring kingdoms are good friends but compete in wearing the latest fashions. Because they each continually want new, sumptuous wardrobes, their kingdoms are broke! Even their wives have to resort to doing dirty castle chores because there’s no money to pay any staff. Finally an elaborate ruse is planned where both emperors are taught a lesson about vanity and trying to impress others by clothes. If there were flashlights and spotlights in this historic time when men wore be...

  Incantation: The Frog Prince Fairy Tale

Classic by Sybil St. Claire

42 pages

Flexible cast of 12 (approximately 2 m, 10 w), extras

This comedic tale begins with the familiar version of the fairy tale featuring an overly kind Princess, a vain Prince and the traditional evil witch, but there are twists to come as the story gets retold from the viewpoints of the Prince and witch. The second version zigzags in a totally new direction as the poor Prince is turned into a frog and is then plagued and pursued by a horrid giggler of a Princess, who actually wants to kiss him! The third version lights up the stage as a beautiful young woman with magical abilities turns the Prince into a frog in an...

  Magic of Beauty and the Beast

Classic by Carter Burch

45 pages

5 m, 3 w

Here is the timeless story of how a young maiden named Beauty bravely lives in the castle of a frightening Beast, and how her gradual love for him breaks the curse he is under, turning him back into a prince. The Beast is kind and likable even when he's furry. Beauty lives up to her name in spirit and self-reliance. There's also an evil wizard, Beauty's blustery and somewhat silly father, and Beauty's sisters, Patience and Charity, who have neither! Even more humor is added by two assistants, Fenwick and Bozmo, who spend a good portion of the play under a cur...

  Picture This!

Resource by Michael Boston

36 pages

Nine Short Scenes of Emotion for Elementary Students

These scenes for elementary school-aged children deal with the emotions we feel. Each scene concentrates on a specific emotion: sad, frustrated, frightened, happy, angry, excited, cool and jealous. Designed for students of all learning levels, including those who have not yet learned to read and English-language learners. The dialogue is structured with patterns, repetition and rhythms to allow for easy memorization. A modest royalty is due if performed on stage, but it is royalty free if used in the classroom.

  Once Upon a Concert

Comedy by Judy Jehn

56 pages

Large, flexible cast

Cindy R. Ella and her nasty stepsisters and stepmother are the richest family in town, but Cindy is required to do all the housework. She only wants two things: to attend a Stagnant Rocks concert to see the star, Nick Lynx, and to spend more time with her father, who is always away on business. She gets her first wish from the Godfather, but at the concert she loses her hat. Like all good fairy tales, "Prince" Nick arrives with the hat, looking for the girl of his dreams, and Cindy's father vows to be at home more. Lots of parts, including nosey reporters, en...

  Twelve Dancing Princesses

Classic by Charles Dewald

35 pages

5 m, 15 w, extras

The King, his court, and all the villagers are enjoying a festival when the comic captain and his guards rush in to announce that the princesses have again slept through the day, and their shoes have been mysteriously worn out during the night. Distraught, the King orders that no one in the kingdom shall be happy until the riddle is solved. A young beggar comes into the kingdom and the princesses' matron sends him to the enchanted forest where he sees the princesses dancing the night away. We find the beggar is a prince in disguise and the matron explains her...

  The Star Child

Classic by Burton Bumgarner

35 pages

3 m, 2 w, flexible cast of 25, doubling possible

Deep in the forest on a cold winter's night, an owl tells his friends about another winter's night when a shooting star lit up the sky, fell to the ground, and left a human child in a hollow tree. A woodcutter, who sees the shooting star, finds the child, takes him home, and rears him as a member of his family. The Star Child grows up to be a very handsome young man, but he doesn't have compassion or kindness. He mistreats the poor and the sick, he hurts the animals of the forest, and he shows no love for the family that raised him. Eventually he loses his ha...

  Alice: Thru the Looking Glass

Classic by William Springer

28 pages

2 m, 8 w, 2 flexible parts

In this 40-minute frumpled version of Lewis Carroll's story, Alice comes face to face with a Jaberwocky who could be Fonzie's twin! The Jaberwocky cons Alice into stepping through the looking glass. Then he steals her book so he and his four supremely cool Jaber-Babes - Daphne, Daisy, Dimples, and Delli - can get into the real world. Alice must quickly find them before they use the book or she'll never get back home. She gets lots of confusing "help" from the Messenger Rabbit, Tweedle Dum and Dee, and the Red and White queens.

  Elves and the Shoemaker

Classic by Lori Phillips-Young

50 pages

Approx. 8 m, 8 w (doubling possible)

Travel back in time as the real story of "The Elves and the Shoemaker" unfolds in a flurry of magic and mayhem. It begins when seven zany Elves - not just two as Mr. Grimm wrote - end up lost at the shop of Hans, the shoemaker. They need to perform three good deeds to get back, and no one could use help more than poor Hans, who has just enough leather to make one pair of shoes. The trouble is, elves don't go around wanting to do good deeds. They have to be coaxed! But one pair of perfectly made shoes leads to another and then, after Mr. Grimm tells Hans' stor...

  The Little Mermaid

Comedy by Wade Bradford

74 pages

With doubling 4m, 5w, 2 flex

Kira, the little mermaid, longs to see life on the surface. When she realizes her overprotective father will only show her a deserted island and has promised her hand in marriage to nerdy Duke Dorsal, she takes matters into her own hands. She sings for the Sea Witch who takes her voice, with the knowledge that she must win the heart of a human or be turned into sea foam. While on land, she saves the prince who falls for her cousin, and finds true love in the end. Jellyfish telling knock-knock jokes, a kingdom with a yoga instructor, a magical triton that can ...

  Little Red: Life in the Hood

Fantasy by Claudia Haas and Richard Cash

50 pages

9 w, 24 flexible

It's a media moment! Little Red Riding Hood has come to tell her story on Terry Tellus' talk show but is rudely interrupted by her Grandmother and the Wolf. It seems Red Riding Hood's version is nothing but a fairy tale! The Grandmother and the Wolf insist on equal air time. Henny Penny, Chicken Little and Turkey Lurkey appear as insurance agents, and the Three Little Pigs and the Three Little Kittens are present, too, as we make our way through the twists and turns of the different versions. Decide for yourself if Red is the heroine, the Valley Girl or every...