Basic Drama Sketches - Vol. II

Book By: Judy Millar
Play #: 1717
Pages: 77 pgs
Cast: 11 to 25+

A perfect resource book for producing plays in your grade school or junior high classroom. All of the plays have 11 to 25+ roles which are mostly flexible in gender to include as many students as possible. The plays have interesting plots and short, easy-to-learn lines. Your student actors will have fun developing and portraying the varied characters. Titles in Vol. II include: “Cabin Calamity,” in which two families with twins vacationing together in the woods come under suspicion. In “Diner’s Delight,” a couple of bumbling thieves try to holdup a diner. In “Aloha Fish,” fraternity guys who planned to pull pranks on sorority sisters get one pulled on them instead. In “Stowaway,” a cruise ship captain disappears, and in “Unhaunted” a family buys a home that has been inhabited for two hundred years by ghosts. (Royalty fee of $10 per skit is due if performed in front of an audience. Application at end of script.) 

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Resource Book - $49.95
Allows you to reproduce pages for classroom use. A royalty fee is due when performed in front of an audience.
Performances - $10.00
Royalty Licenses are required for each performance, even if you do not charge admission.
Performance beginning date


CITY OF NOVI 1 Performance(s)
NOVI, MI 8/17/2017
BAK MSOA 2 Performance(s)

Behind The Scenes