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  What Part Will I Play?

Drama by Mary Hall Surface

43 pages

13 females (also two offstage voices, 1 m, 1 f)

This play gives a voice to young women's hopes and dreams, fears and failures, fantasies and hard-knocks. The girls arrive at a theatre to audition for a promising new play. Each girl has come with her own ambitions, even secrets. But upon arrival, the girls learn that the director will be late. The stage manager takes them through a series of improvisations. But the girls, confused and anxious, are soon left to "wait." Each one must decide how she will respond to the situation and to each another. As the play progresses barriers are broken down, friendships ...

  Up the Stage Over

Comedy by Robert Anderson

56 pages

2 m, 7 w

Act I is a play rehearsal at the home of one of the characters, while Act II represents the high school stage with all scenery reversed so that the audience sees only what normally would be back stage. All sound effects are visible; prop table, prompters, stage braces, etc. About every problem a director has ever had is encountered. Comedy abounds as each character has his own particular problem with his part. Grammie in particular never speaks a line, but her presence is felt in more ways than one! A plot around and about high school students.

  Adagio and the Death of Love

Drama by Reid Conrad

28 pages

5-6 m, 4 w, optional extras

The Imarovas were once the royal family and held sway over the social and political arenas of the country. But a new regime gained power and the Imarova children became captives in their own home. They live under a repressive guard, yet each sibling remembers or knows a different kind of love: romantic love, paid love, love of a child and pet, and most of all, Anabella’s childlike, colorful love of life itself. It is only their family wealth and figurehead status that keep them from joining the work colonies. Today is Anabella’s fourteenth birthday and as the...

  Adventure of the Speckled Band

Reader Theatre by Al Rodin

34 pages

3 m, 2 w

Helen Stone, a frightened and distraught young woman, has come to Sherlock Holmes for help following the recent death of her twin sister Julia. The young women were living with their stepfather, the austere and heartless widower, Dr. Roylott. They had returned from India to Stoke Moran, his family’s dilapidated country mansion, where wild exotic animals and gypsies now wander the grounds. Helen tells Holmes and Dr. Watson that the night Julia died, her sister had run from her bedroom screaming “the band, the speckled band.” Julia was soon to be married and wo...

  Aesop's Hop

Comedy by Wade Bradford

53 pages

Large, Flexible cast

Welcome to the mythical Forest of Fables, home of the Tortoise and the Hare, the Ants and the Grasshopper, the Lion and the Mice, and many other colorful creatures. This realm is also the home of Aesop, the friendly storyteller from Ancient Greece. The animals and two immortal Muses prepare for Aesop's surprise 98th birthday party, until they realize that they have no music for their upcoming celebration. The problem is solved when a nervous Donkey, a vain Cat, a hopeful Rooster, and a dim-witted Dog join forces and ensure that old Aesop gets the party of a c...

  Almost Wanted: Dead or Alive

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

61 pages

6 m, 12 w

When a bunch of temperamental artists seeking quiet at Rancho Artisto encounter the fun-loving college workers, watch out! After an episode of the popular TV show, "Most Wanted: Dead or Alive," the kids suspect one of the guests, a little old lady who specializes in American primitive, is really Granny Ghoul. And it's just too coincidental that the nervous host of the show is found knocked out cold and stuffed in the lobby closet! Add an overbearing mother, an insistent art critic, and art thieves for an aerobically-paced comedy.

  Applause for Plautus

Comedy by Katie B. Oberlander

42 pages

Flexible cast 20 - 60

Here are three comic plays based on the work of the Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus. The first play is "The Pot of Gold," in which Euclio, a miser, goes to great lengths to hide a secret fortune from his family and neighbors. In "The Brothers Menaechmus," identical twins who were separated at birth cause confusion when one of them coincidentally arrives in their hometown on the day of his brother's wedding. The collection concludes with "The Haunted House" as a clever servant concocts a tale of the supernatural to aid his master in marrying a slave who...

  Arthur and Guinevere

Classic Drama by Steven Fogell

59 pages

Approx. 14 m, 15 w, 4 flexible

The magic of Merlin can't last forever, but with the help of the fairy Nimue, Merlin is soon transported back in time to remember the young boy Arthur, who was scared to become a knight; the young girl Guinevere, who was bored as a royal princess; and the young peasant girl Elyzabel, who dreamed of life in the King's castle. These three meet in the enchanted forest and their fates are suddenly changed by the evil magic of Mordrid and his twin sister Morgana. In this charming tale you soon find out what happens when you get the wish you wish for, and how it ma...

  Theatre of Fable

Fairy Tale by Jules Tasca

62 pages

Flexible casting

Here are two richly imaginative one-act plays which need the barest minimum of rehearsals. All the action is mimed by actors wearing masks as readers speak the dialogue. In "The Vinegar Man" (4 m, 5 w, extras), a successful wine merchant is devastated when his young wife dies. Ignoring his infant son and the loyal nanny, he turns sour, like the wine he allows to turn into vinegar. But like Scrooge, the Vinegar Man is saved from his own bitterness. In "Finding Happiness" (12 characters, extras), simple Fantodd is sent into the forest by his unhappy father to f...

  Swamp Romp

Farce by Burton Bumgarner

59 pages

7 m, 9 w, 6 flexible

Life is anything but dull in the Great Okeeadokia Swamp. At Lester's Bog Mart Convenience Store, locals gather to purchase supplies, check out video rentals (a wide selection of three) or try Lester's delicious "Almost Fresh Catfish" or "Kind of Fried Chicken." The local book club has been working on "War and Peace" for months, and they're up to page 5. Young local resident Everett Mudd is trying to make a low-budget independent horror film which he wants to enter in the Sundown Film Festival. Five biology students become lost in the swamp when their professo...


Adaptation Shakespeare by Patricia B. Melehan

58 pages

9 m, 8 w, 5 flexible, extras

Adapted from the play by William Shakespeare. A ship at sea is suddenly swept up in a fierce tempest. The King of Naples, the Duke of Milan, and others become shipwrecked upon a mysterious island. Unbeknownst to them, the island is ruled by Prospero and Prospera, the rightful Duke and Duchess of Milan. With their magical powers they have cast the royals upon the island with an ultimate plan. But will Prospero and Prospera's scheme be cut short by their own prisoner/slave, Caliban, who along with the drunken butler, Stephano, have hatched a scheme of their own...

  Office Zone

Comedy by Burton Bumgarner

33 pages

5 m, 5 w

The employees of Sly-Tech Corporation are bored, uninspired, and unhappy with their jobs, which consist of generating reports no one will ever see. They don't know from one day to the next who will even own the company or if they'll have jobs. When a perky young woman fresh out of college is hired to be their manager, they are exasperated. They are even more incensed when she insists on starting off the day with team-building exercises to enhance their P.M.A. (positive mental attitude) and making them hold a teddy bear when they wish to speak at meetings. Whe...

  Stone Naked Woman

Comedy by Kay Rhoads

32 pages

11 m, 9 w, 1 flexible, doubling possible

Friendships are tried, prejudices are revealed, and self-interest is (dare it be said) exposed in this fast-moving comedy! A small Iowa town deals with the weighty issue of whether a stone statue violates the morals ordinance. Chorlis Deets, longtime resident of Lambs Corner, has a new lawn ornament in honor of his departed wife: a stone statue of Aphrodite, painted pink and "situated" on a swing in his front yard. An emergency meeting of the city council is called to deliberate whether or not to forcibly remove the statue. Many townspeople have their say, fr...

  Holy Stromboli

Farce by John D. Smitherman

67 pages

4 m, 3 w

John and Maria are happily celebrating their first wedding anniversary when Maria's mother, Nicolette, shows up unexpectedly. Nicolette announces that she is divorcing Maria's father, Sal, because he forgot their 27th wedding anniversary. And if that isn't enough to ruin John and Maria's celebration, Sal pays a visit. A fight breaks out, and one thing leads to another until, eventually, Sal and John end up sleeping in the guest room. This leaves Maria no other choice but to share a bed with her talkative mother. To save his sanity and his own marriage, John s...

  Taming of the Shrew

Shakespeare by Eric L. Magnus

64 pages

10 m, 3 w, 11 flexible, extras

This adaptation of William Shakespeare's zesty classic comedy remains true to the original, but with its tighter construction is more easily accessible to junior and senior high school actors. Set in Padua, Italy, in the late 1500s, the story concerns the shy Bianca and the mean-spirited Katharina, the two daughters of a rich merchant named Baptista. Though Bianca is being courted by a number of young men, Baptista announces that she may not marry until Katharina is wed. None of the men in town are willing to marry Katharina, so Bianca remains unwed, even as ...