Children's Theatre Plays

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  Twice Upon a Time

Fantasy by Craig Sodaro

57 pages

Large, flexible cast, much doubling (minimum 8 m, 8 w, 6 flexible)

Here are the hilarious stories that start after the traditional tales end! Consider Cinderella and her Prince, who are now ruling the kingdom. Little does Cinderella know The Dice Girls, the entertainers she's arranged for a state dinner, are really her stepsisters and stepmom, ready for revenge! Or how about poor little Pinocchio? The Blue Fairy never got around to getting rid of his wooden head, but it may be a good thing considering the evil plan he's overheard involving the Lampwick and Foxy. And finally Snow White, who's running her own fashion boutique,...

  The People v. B.B. Wolf

Fantasy by Jim Brigleb

43 pages

16 characters

It may not be the biggest court case on record, but it is the funniest! B. B. (Big Bad) Wolf is being tried for the murder of the two little pigs, Wilbur and Portly. With his reputation for - shall we say - never eating vegetables, what chance does B.B. have? Hilarious flashbacks provide opportunities for the audience to see the testimony, as told by the witnesses, including the revenge-seeking mother and sister, Mrs. Pyg and Suey, and the vindictive Little Red Riding Hood. From the overbearing judge to wild prosecutors, this fun play races to a dramatic endi...

  Tales from Five Continents

by Claudia Haas and Richard Cash

36 pages

Cast of 15 to 53

Take your young audience on a journey around the globe discovering other cultures. From Africa we have the tale of why the Sun and Moon live in the sky. From the Pacific Northwestern Native Americans is the story of the ocean and its tides. From South America we learn how the beetle got its beautiful coat, while from Asia is the tale of why toads croak before a rain storm. The play ends with an Aesop fable from Europe that tells why the bat flies alone and at night. Weaving it all together is a Cherokee fable that explains the bringing of stories into the wor...

  Little Daylight

Fairy Tale by Kevin Stone

28 pages

2 m, 13 w

It’s Princess Daylight’s christening, and the blessings of the good fairies are interrupted by a wicked Swamp Fairy.  The Swamp Fairy vexes the princess with two evil curses: she will never see daylight, and her vitality will wax and wane with the phases of the moon. The good fairies mitigate the curses as much as they can. Thanks to their help, the princess will be awake at night, and the curse will be broken when she is kissed unknowingly by a prince. As the years go on, Princess Daylight’s curse seems to worsen. Her only joy is dancing in the moonlight.  F...

  The Magic Flute

Classic by Steven Fogell

58 pages

6 m, 6 w, 16 flexible, extras if desired

Follow Prince Tamino in this hilarious tale as he travels to the castle of the evil Sarastro to save the princess Pamina. Along his magical journey he meets a wild cast of characters including Papageno, the three muses, the Greenbird, the spirits, and the fabled Queen of the Night. Armed with a magic flute given by the queen, Tamino is ready to take on Sarastro. Once inside the castle our prince and his friends face monsters, magic, and a test to free his beloved Pamina. Fast-paced dialogue and hysterical characters enchant this large-cast play based on the o...

  Princess and the Moon: A Fairy Tale

Comedy by T James Belich

67 pages

4 m, 9 f, 10 flexible, extras.

Princess Lizzy wants to be a knight. Bored with the usual duties of a princess, she dreams of fighting in tournaments, slaying dragons, and doing all the things that good knights do. For what Princess Lizzy desires above all else is to be special – one-of-a-kind, absolutely unique! And so on her sixteenth birthday she becomes a knight ... and is crushed to learn that she is not the first, but actually the ninety-sixth. Still determined to be special, Lizzy resolves for her quest to do the impossible: to go to the moon. She soon finds the magical Medallion of ...

  The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Classic by Dean Feldmeyer

23 pages

9 m, 6 w, children, extras

An infestation of rats plagues the beautiful, perfect town of Hamelin, and the angry towns people give the Mayor and town council one last chance to solve the problem. A curiously dressed piper arrives just in time to save the day. He promises to lead the rats out of town for a fee of $1000. The town agrees and the rat problem is solved, but the people, arguing that the price was too high, refuse to pay. The angry piper takes all the children with him instead, leaving the town unhappy and without a future. But wait! The storyteller runs on stage to offer an "...


Classic by Sam Kuglen

48 pages

2 m, 2 w, 11 flexible

This stage adaptation closely follows the original story by Carlo Collodi. Pinocchio is a mischievous puppet who is trying to become a real boy. Once he is carved by Gepetto, his adventures begin. Along the way he almost meets his doom at a puppet show, is waylaid by an evil Cat and Fox, sidetracked by Lampwick who takes him to The Island of the Toys, and is swallowed by a huge whale, where he is reunited with Gepetto. After saving Gepetto, the Blue Fairy helps Pinocchio attain his dream of becoming a real boy. Perfect for touring.

  Jack and the Beanstalk

Classic by William Springer

27 pages

12 to 14 flexible parts

All the familiar characters from the classic fairy tale are here but with a little bit of a modern-day twist, including gullible, inquisitive Jack and his poor mother; a smart, determined cow; the magical egg-laying goose; and a not-so-scary Giant and his wife. Children will be laughing out loud when Jack's cow refuses to be sold and is constantly chased across the stage, first by the bean seller and then additional characters from other fairy tales! The smart aleck Narrator almost gets into a fight with the Mother about the magical qualities of the beans and...

  Theatre for a Small Planet

Fantasy by Jules Tasca

55 pages

Ensemble cast of 6 to 27

The magic of theatre now weaves three tales from around the world together into more than an hour of captivating entertainment for young audiences. In a Chinese play, Little Red Maiden and her older brother learn that riches do not always bring joy. Too bad the selfish dragon learns the hard way! In a native American play, the Cinderella story is retold as Little Burnt Sand endures the cruelty of her sisters before becoming the bride of the new Micmac chief. In a delightful English fairy tale, we find that too much curiosity can be a mite unhealthy. Show the ...

  Once Upon Camelot

Fantasy by Craig Sodaro

56 pages

14 m, 14 w, 2 flexible

All the luck in Camelot has been bad lately, and the Brotherhood of Peasants, Serfs and City Scum expect King Arthur to do something about it or else! Merlin has become a fly, and Morgan LeFey and her minions waste no time in turning Arthur's three most loyal knights, Sir Tin, Sir Loin and Sir Cuss, into a frog, a rock, and a grasshopper. Not even Queen Guinevere nor her ladies of the court can fight the king's evil half-sister. It takes Threadbare, a lowly weaver, to turn the tables on Morgan in this hilarious romp through a Camelot that never was. Additiona...

  Snow White and the Little Men

Classic by William Springer

16 pages

11 m, 6 w

In this farce, a narrator helps the action and humor even to the point of shooting the good queen, who doesn't want to die after Snow White is born. The evil queen can't make up a rhyme that's worth a darn before the magic mirror, and she even forgets her apples are poisonous and eats one at the wedding of the Prince and Snow. About 25 minutes.

  Once Upon a Concert

Comedy by Judy Jehn

56 pages

Large, flexible cast

Cindy R. Ella and her nasty stepsisters and stepmother are the richest family in town, but Cindy is required to do all the housework. She only wants two things: to attend a Stagnant Rocks concert to see the star, Nick Lynx, and to spend more time with her father, who is always away on business. She gets her first wish from the Godfather, but at the concert she loses her hat. Like all good fairy tales, "Prince" Nick arrives with the hat, looking for the girl of his dreams, and Cindy's father vows to be at home more. Lots of parts, including nosey reporters, en...

  Pirates of Atlantis

Comedy by Patti Veconi

48 pages

18-19 roles (2 m, 1 w, 15-16 flexible)

When a pirate ship inadvertently sails over the lost city of Atlantis, an adventure-seeking girl – who happens to be the granddaughter of Poseidon himself – makes friends with a charmingly naïve sailor, causing their two worlds to collide. As the pirates continue to arrr-gue and the Atlanteans ask an endless series of questions with no answers, new friends Duffle and Pana explore strange new worlds they have never seen before. With the help of a Narrator giving advice and a friendly dog who just wants to play, and with Poseidon’s undersea magic adding to the ...

  The Hero Squad vs. the Supervillain’s Apprentice

Comedy by Will Ledesma

49 pages

3 m, 3 w, 2-4 flex

The Hero Squad of Metro Valley, Iowa—a team comprised of superheroes 3-D, Lindy, Iron Lung, and Slapshot—are enjoying a bit of a peace in their home city. All that changes when their archnemesis, the ever-scheming Nikolai Oshgoshbgoshnikov, gets a visit from his teenage niece Veronica. Veronica is a supervillain-in-training with a knack for robotic henchmen and a devious plan to destroy the Hero Squad from the inside out. Posing as a super-fan, Veronica infiltrates the Hero Squad’s HQ and begins to plant seeds of dissension among the four friends. Things come...