Despite the efforts of the Z's, a group of good fairies (Zabrina, Zanth, Zinda, Zaria, Zelda, Zoe and Zellie), Princess Tara falls prey to a curse from the wicked fairy, Xenia. The curse is that when Tara turns 16 she will prick her finger and she and everyone in the whole castle will sleep for a hundred years. Determined that no one ever wake Tara, Xenia conjures up a horrible ogre, enlists the aid of her terrible trolls and exploits a two-headed spider. A hundred years later, greedy Prince Egbert and lazy Prince Smedley, accompanied by their hard-working page, Jason, attempt to reach the princess. Smedley and Egbert cannot awaken her, but Jason's hesitant kiss does. In fact, a few other kisses turn some other unsavory characters into beautiful people! Just when the story should end happily, however, Xenia appears and the nightmare begins again -- but not for long!