Products tagged with 'Comedy'

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  Hey Diddle Diddle: The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon

Comedy by Bradley Walton

40 pages

4-23 performers possible

A cat plays the fiddle, the cow jumps over the moon while the little dog laughs, and the dish runs away with the spoon…but then what? A group of storytellers are challenged to continue the story of the dish and the spoon from Hey Diddle Diddle. The tales that they spin find the dish and spoon fleeing from the Abominable Snowman, encountering the witch from Hansel and Gretel, becoming spies, and even fighting bad sushi! With a gender-flexible cast of 4-23, this smart, funny and easy-to-stage show will appeal to kids, teens, and adults. About 40 minutes.

  Fairy Tale Christmas

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

34 pages

4 m, 10 w, 3 flexible

Holiday cheer is driving Queen Malvinia crazy! The former evil stepmother of Snow White’s story is now somewhat reformed, and rules over the kingdom of Happily Ever After. But ever since all the traditional fairy tale characters began getting along, demand for the Queen’s various potions on her website have fallen off drastically. So she’s thought of a new way to boost sales. With the help of Cinderella’s stepsisters, and Wolfgang Amadeus Toothful, alias the Big, Bad Wolf, she throws a Christmas Eve party. Though the Three Little Pigs try to keep the mood hap...

  Attack of the Pom-Pom Zombies

Comedy by Stephen Murray

41 pages

7 m, 16 w, 5 flexible, extras

It's the 1960s, a big nuclear blast to the past! School's out for the summer, and the teenagers of Ocean View High are ready to surf, sun and have some fun. Their favorite hangout is Barnacle Betty's Surf Club, which happens to be right next door to the evil Ivana Ratnik's nuclear power plant. But ooops! Cindy Sue, the head cheerleader, accidentally gets some nuclear slime on her hot dog instead of pickle relish, and soon the beach is overrun with pom-pom wielding zombies! Her all-American boyfriend, the beatniks, the nerds and a tough girl gang named the Bar...

  Next Victim, Please

Comedy by Rocky Soderman and Terri Ferguson

35 pages

14 characters, approx. 7m, 7 w

Here it is - an outrageous tongue-in-cheek 60-minute murder mystery that is ridiculously believable and will have your audience in stitches! It all happens when the whole arrogant family descends on Murdock Manor to witness the Colonel's reading of his final will and testament. Everyone wants a piece of the action including the big game-hunting sister, the stuffy older son, the young ivy-league son, the prissy daughter, the obnoxious grandkids and others. But the Colonel decides rather than split the estate, he'll leave it all to one person who will care for ...

  Lavender & Lunatics

Comedy by Tony Howell

65 pages

24-26 roles + extras (7m, 10 w, 7-9 flexible)

Lorelei Lavender is staging a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but unknown to her, a couple of would-be bank robbers are hiding out in her theatre and have become part of the cast. On top of that she has to deal with backstage drama, divorced movie stars, loan payments, and a tough-guy cop who keeps stopping rehearsals. Designed to work on a bare stage, much of the action plays in the house and is best staged to use all entrances from backstage to light booth. Costumes are modern with rehearsal pieces added throughout the course of the show, ...

  The Pitch

Comedy by Bryan Starchman

28 pages

Widely flexible from 4-20 actors

A young, hungry writer in Hollywood finally has his chance to pitch his original ideas for movies, television shows, and commercials to a major producer. The writer’s ideas come to life on stage as he tries to sell one -- just one -- of his many wacky ideas. Consider (and laugh) as the writer presents previews of a big-budget movie entitled “Thumb Wars”; a reality show about mailmen called “Going Postal”; a game show with the revolting title “Guess What I Just Ate for Dinner”; and even a commercial for a new sports drink called “H2MayO: The First Drinkable Ma...