Products tagged with 'Classic'

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  Arthur and Guinevere

Classic Drama by Steven Fogell

59 pages

Approx. 14 m, 15 w, 4 flexible

The magic of Merlin can't last forever, but with the help of the fairy Nimue, Merlin is soon transported back in time to remember the young boy Arthur, who was scared to become a knight; the young girl Guinevere, who was bored as a royal princess; and the young peasant girl Elyzabel, who dreamed of life in the King's castle. These three meet in the enchanted forest and their fates are suddenly changed by the evil magic of Mordrid and his twin sister Morgana. In this charming tale you soon find out what happens when you get the wish you wish for, and how it ma...


Classic by Gayanne Ramsden

60 pages

Flexible cast of 10 or more

This adaptation has kept alive the monsters and dragons that inhabited the original poem. However, it is told from the point of view of a Scop (Shope), a teller of tales, who had traveled and fought with Beowulf. The Scop is now a prisoner of the Saxons and while a prisoner tells this tale of courage to a priest who eventually agrees to preserve it by writing it down. The tale the Scop tells is substantially the same as the poem we know, however, the Christian ethic is removed and the tale is presented, as the playwright believes it originally was, with the g...

  The Birds

Classic by Claudia Haas and Richard Cash

58 pages

1 m, 7 w, 28 flexible

"The Birds" was originally written by Aristophanes as a satire on man's society. In this loose adaptation, three children embark on a journey that leads them to the Great Bird's Nest in the Sky. There they hope to live away from all the constraints of home and school, but instead of living "free as a bird," they find the birds trying to outdo humans in a far more complicated society. The cast is a mixture of children, meddling gods and goddesses, and a rich array of bird characters. Aristophanes' humor and satire are left intact as the play pokes gentle fun a...

  Cat's Tale

Classic by Craig Sodaro

44 pages

8 m, 12 w, 18 flexible parts

Colorful and exciting human and animal roles make this children's tale a delight. A young, orphaned boy, Dick Whittington, saves a cat, Whiskers, from a dangerous dog. Later, when Dick finds work in a manor house in London but is forced to sleep on the floor with the rats, Whiskers shows up in the nick of time to save him. Dick keeps Whiskers a secret until the master's ship sets sail. Tradition says Dick must give his master something of value so good luck follows the voyage. Since Whiskers is the only thing Dick owns, he sadly gives the cat. Life seems hope...

  Life on the Mississippi

Classic by R Rex Stephenson

64 pages

Company of between 18 - 35 actors

Here is a combination of three of Mark Twain's books blended into one story that continues Huck and Tom's great adventures. Huck and Tom are called to Arkansas because something mysterious is happening to Uncle Silas. As only Huck and Tom can, they set about solving the mystery that involves twin brothers, the maniacal Widow Dunlap and her nere-do-well son. This story is as poignant and humorous as Huck Finn, but without any of the racial overtones that in some areas has made Twain a controversial author. About 90 minutes.

  "Macbeth" at the Midnight Carnival

Classic Horror Shakespeare by Steven Fogell

55 pages

29 or more characters, much doubling possible.

Incorporating the work by William Shakespeare. An eerie traveling carnival, run by the frightening Madame LeBeau, arrives outside of a small American town in the early 1900s. Several children sneak into the carnival and quickly discover a wicked world of darkness and mystery. Trance-like, the townspeople are soon pulled to the tent and end up as characters in the tale of "Macbeth." The Mayor and his wife become Macbeth and Lady Macbeth; Mrs. Cambridge, the local widow, becomes Hecate; and other citizens become Macduff, Banquo, Ross, the Apparition, and others...