"The Velveteen Rabbit" is Margery Williams' endearing tale of love between a boy and his favorite toy. At first the Rabbit is new and lonely in the toy chest, where the other toys deride his inability to "do" anything ... until the Skin Horse teaches him "It isn't what you do, it's who you are," and sings to him about becoming REAL. Sure enough, in time, the Boy begins to love the Rabbit, and when he says to Nana, "He's not a toy!" the dream comes true. When the Boy gets scarlet fever, the Rabbit's constant vigil helps save him. But later the Doctor orders that everything the Boy has touched, including toys, must be burned. Just as it seems all hope is lost, the Nursery Magic Fairy appears and makes the Rabbit really real. Songs include "The Toy Song," ("What Do You Do?"); "The Play Song," ("Rabbit-Oh-Me"); "Real Rabbit Rag"; and "The Love Song" ("Can You Tell Me?"). Ideal for families with young children. Touring is possible with innovative design. Premiered by the Children's Theatre of Charlotte, N.C.