Community Theatre Holiday Plays & Musicals

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  Exposé: Holiday Celebrities Tell All!

Comedy Holiday by Bryan Starchman

41 pages

13 m, 11 w, 4 flexible, extras, much doubling possible

Every month many look to their calendars and start counting down the days until the next holiday. But what about those who are working behind the scenes to make these holidays great? What about the everyday problems of Cupid, leprechauns, and the New Year's Baby? Do we ever stop to think about their needs? Their wants? No! And that's why they're on strike. Journey through the bizarre, strange, and riotously funny underbelly of the holiday world as the icons we all know and love go on strike in this comedy. See what happens when hunters try to shoot down Rudol...

  The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

Christmas Classic Holiday Musical by Cosentino And Mondzak

56 pages

7 m, 7 w + ensemble. (Some doubling possible)

This much loved tale is mostly known as a ballet. However, it began as a classic story of literature by a German author, E.T.A. Hoffmann. The story involves an eccentric inventor whose nephew has been turned into a nutcracker doll by a curse. In order to break the enchantment, the Nutcracker must destroy the Mouse King and find the love of a maiden even in his wooden state. Clara, the inventor's godchild, receives the Nutcracker as a Christmas gift and falls instantly in love with the wooden doll. In a fantasy world, where all the toys come to life, Clara hel...

  A Christmas Carol - Sodaro/Keys

Christmas Classic Holiday Musical by Craig Sodaro

53 pages

Flexible cast up to 42

Here is a holiday treasure with a beautiful variety of music, from the cheery "A Fifteen Shilling Christmas," and "The Fezziwig Ball," to the dramatic "Link by Link," and "Make Each Day Count." There's also the bright song, "The Spirit of Christmas," and the unforgettable closing number, "God Bless Us, Everyone." The story stays close to Dickens' original novel in dialogue, but adds additional speaking roles for great casting flexibility. Along with the hard-hearted Scrooge, the Christmas Spirits, the Cratchit family and the beloved Tiny Tim, there are carole...

  Son of "A Christmas Carol"

Christmas Holiday Play by Frank V. Priore

26 pages

2 m, 5 w, 3 flexible

This time it's not Ebenezer Scrooge but his grandson, Engelbert, who is "bah humbugging." The fun begins when the first ghost, a lovely young lady, pops in, intent on showing the crotchety old executive a grand tour of Christmases past. Add to this merry melange another two ghosts, a snippy secretary, and carolers, and the result is a hilarious situation that Dickens couldn't possibly have foreseen. One act.

  Merry Christmas, Dear Grandpa

Christmas Comedy Holiday by Michal Jacot

42 pages

3 m, 3 w

Amber has invited her whole family to her new home to have the "perfect family Christmas." She has decorated her house, carefully planned the meal, and even ironed her shoelaces! Once her brother, sister, parents, and curmudgeon of a grandfather show up, though, nothing goes right. When a last-minute accident prevents Amber from making Christmas dinner, it falls upon her kitchen-challenged siblings to take up the slack, with hilarious results. Just when the dinner can't get any worse, it ends up with a twist or two that makes it, indeed, the perfect family Ch...

  Carol vs. Christmas

Comedy by Lisa Nanni-Messegee and Todd Messegee

48 pages

Flexible from 16 to 33+ including some speaking roles for children

In this modern reimagining of Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol," a struggling theatre company is rehearsing a Christmas show. Carol, the hard-driving real estate agent who owns the building, interrupts, demanding rent. Later, in the empty theatre, deceased business partner Marlene appears to Carol, foretelling that three spirits will appear. Throughout first two, a sage child who speaks in Victorian slang and a gregarious game show host who forces Carol to play along, Carol still remains unmoved. It isn’t until she is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future that ...

  A Christmas Carol (Swartz-Play)

Classic by L. Don Swartz

54 pages

11 m, 11 w, 2 flexible, 8 boys, 6 girls.

This faithful yet unique adaptation of the Charles Dickens' holiday story begins in "another world" where Tiny Tim appears. More than just an employee's crippled son, he is a symbol of Scrooge's own infirmity. Scrooge's deceased business partner, Marley, is granted permission to return to Earth with a small but powerful army of holiday spirits on his adventure to convert the covetous old sinner into a Yuletide saint. The most popular scenes of the novel are dramatized, but especially powerful is the future scene of Bob Cratchit's gut-wrenching loss of his bel...

  A Stranger for Christmas

Comedy With Heart by Carol Lynn Pearson

36 pages

2 m, 7 w, 3 boys, 2 girls, optional extras.

Two ladies in a rest home are arguing. Florence, who has never had a real family Christmas, fantasizes that a family would come along and take her in for the holiday, but of course no family would put themselves out that way. Yes, they would, says her roommate Myrna who has had years of storybook Christmases with her five children. To prove their differing viewpoints, they invent the fictitious Genevieve, a little old lady in a rest home near Myrna's children in Idaho. If one of them will agree to take “her” in, Florence will really believe in Christmas. Dram...

  Dickens' A Christmas Carol

Drama by Joel A. Osborne

32 pages

Approx. 15 m, 15 w, much doubling possible

Here's a delightful and easy-to-do version of Dickens' Christmas story, faithfully adapted for young people and their families. Originally written as a touring show, it is adaptable to any theatre or stage facility. All the beloved characters and scenes are included: Scrooge and Cratchit in the counting house; the Ghost of Christmas Past; Scrooge’s sweetheart Belle at the Fezziwig ball; the Ghost of Ghost of Christmas Present and the Cratchit home with Tiny Tim; and even the sensitive scenes at the pawn shop and graveyard. Of course, there’s the happy ending ...

  All I Need for Christmas

Adult Christmas by Annette Tringham

26 pages

1 m, 3 w, 1 flexible, 1 boy, extras

Goldie, Frank, and Myrna, three counselors at an emotional helpline, have devised a way to have Christmas Eve off this year. They have engaged Thomas Wellmore, a charming but self-centered Wall Street type, to man the phones. He willingly embraces the opportunity to “balance his karma” and “do something real at Christmas for those less fortunate.” As the evening wears on and no one calls, he becomes increasingly irritated and his true character is revealed. Then, at the stroke of midnight, a cleaning woman enters with her young son, Christopher. Though the ey...

  Four to go for Christmas

Holiday Play by Eldridge Publishing Company

57 pages

Flexible cast and performance time

Here are four plays tailor-made for traveling with minimal props and scenery. In "The Christmas Caper" (9 parts), Santa is kidnapped by a little-known fairytale character who just wants to be popular. In "The Night of the New and Improved Christmas" (9 parts), a Madison Avenue public relations firm wants to update Santa and the whole holiday tradition. In "Christmas With the Cratchits" (8 parts), Tiny Tim's family is ecstatic when they think they've won the lottery. In "Million Dollar Christmas" (11 parts), three of the most miserly people ever known must giv...

  The Great Christmas Strike

Comedy Holiday by Robin Harrison

15 pages

9 to 18 students

The Christmas Stockings, Sugarplums, Snowflakes, Rudolph, and Santa Claus have decided they are tired of hearing "I want, I want." Children just never give them a break. They are going to strike. But when a serious accident occurs, everybody does a complete about-face, and once again the real meaning of Christmas is accentuated. One act.

  Great Day In Starflake County Court

Comedy by Mary Bufton

17 pages

6 m, 6 w, extras

Poor Santa is being tried in court for breaking and entering, unfair interstate trade practices, illegal parking, unfair wages, and flying with no flight plan. Witnesses are cross-examined by the attorneys and the jury takes very little time to reach a verdict. One act.


Classic by Susan Barsky

14 pages

2 m, 3 w

Time has passed. Della and Jim, the young couple from O. Henry's short story, are now elderly. At their yearly Christmas Eve visit to a simple coffee shop, they encounter a melancholy woman. Touched by her sadness, they tell their story in a flashback scene of their first Christmas together when they each sold their most precious possession to buy the other a present. That experience changed forever their idea of buying expensive Christmas gifts. Instead they exchange the most priceless of all, love.

  Grandpa's Holly-Jolly Christmas

Adult Christmas by Don Elser

69 pages

4 m, 7 w, extras

Ever since tragedy befell Grandpa Howard on Christmas Eve 25 years earlier, he makes life miserable for everyone including himself. He won't let Mrs. Howard borrow his car for a fund-raising drive and won't listen to a plea from Mr. Howard and daughter Susan to borrow money for a very important business deal for Susan's boyfriend. Young Larry and the neighborhood pest, Betty, are constantly running afoul of Grandpa's temper. Pathos and fantasy come from Grandpa's dreamy reminiscing over the beautiful girl who was once his wife the humor arises from the hilari...

  Bang Goes Christmas

Comedy by James Blakley

47 pages

8 m, 7 w

Mrs. Chase is expecting high society guests and has hired a "butlah" and a maid to keep up appearances. She also hires a Santa Claus for a clever surprise. But everything goes haywire. Rich Uncle Gregory arrives incognito and is given a very cold reception, the refreshments go wrong, and the presents are distributed to unexpected but deserving relatives. Funny with lots of action. One setting. Runs an hour.

  A Christmas Carol With Apologies to Dickens

Holiday Play by W. Beau Christian

13 pages

Flexible cast

Abigail Scrooge, the epitome of the school marm, doesn't care about Christmas or all the homework she's assigned over the holiday, UNTIL the ghost of Josephine Marley haunts her along with the spirits of assignments past, present and future. The play spoofs not only the original classic, but also schools and teachers. Easy to produce. One act.

  The Legend of Santa Pig

Holiday Musical by William Springer

48 pages

20 to 26 parts (doubling possible)

In this hour-long musical, Fido, the P.C. ("Pet of Ceremonies") introduces the show. As the story unfolds, young Timmy and Beth MacDonald fall asleep with visions of sugar plums and farm animals singing and dancing in their heads. From the bossy cow to the gruff goat to Santa Pig himself, the dialogue is amusing for both children and adults. And the frantic chases are hilarious. New, innovative lyrics are included for the seven traditional songs that are suggested, and the audience is even invited to sing along for one of them. You'll love our barnyard versio...

  What in the Dickens Happened to Scrooge

Comedy by Jerry Cowling

68 pages

6 m, 4 w (optional chorus for one carol)

This Christmas the folks affected by Ebenezer Scrooge's miserly ways hatch a plan to get him intoxicated and act out his life before his miserly little eyes, and force him to become "the most generous soul in London." That night as Scrooge imbibes "exceptionally fine" tea, the Cratchits and friends present several funny and poignant scenes of Christmases past, present, and future. Laughs abound as they try to convert the curmudgeon. Everyone's having a grand escapade but crafty old Scrooge isn't as drunk as he pretends. Amid the fun, each character learns a l...

  Coal Camp Madonna - A Christmas Story

Drama by Daniel S Kehde

62 pages

4 m, 5 w, extras

It's winter in a poor coal mining town in the early 1900s. When a foundling baby girl appears on the doorsteps of the company store, Annie, the possessive wife of the proprietor, takes a shine to her. But Arly, who works at the store and makes Christmas presents for all the kids in town, learns that Francine is the real mother. Francine loves the baby, but is too poor to raise her with her other daughter. A cave-in at the mine sows tragedy among the miners and their families and complicates matters further. Francine, who has lost her husband in the disaster, ...

  Dear Santa

Holiday Play by Robert Frankel

69 pages

Flexible cast, approx. 6 - 8 m, 6 - 8 w

"Dear Santa" is composed of a number of short scenes that range from the hilarious to the touching. Many views of Santa are seen - from the point of view of the child who alphabetizes her Christmas list and sends it out in August as well as that of children at various stages of belief - and disbelief! Santa and his helpers shed light on many of the mysteries surrounding him, including why you don't always get the gift you ask for, how Santa delivers all those gifts in one night, how he finds children spending Christmas away from home, and how his power transc...

  Merry Christmas Mayhem

Comedy by Mindy Starns Clark

28 pages

2 m, 3 w, 2 flexible parts

It's the day of Eleanor's annual church Christmas dinner for the poor. She's brought along her new boyfriend, Leo, to meet her grown granddaughter, Jane, for the first time. Jane has also brought along her new boyfriend, Bobby, to meet her grandmother. Unfortunately, they are so busy serving the dinner that the two couples do not get the chance for formal introductions. Through a series of misunderstandings, Eleanor soon thinks Bobby is one of the homeless people while Jane thinks Leo is an insane stalker. The confusion escalates until the final hilarious con...

  One Hundred Elves

Comedy by Dan Roberts

28 pages

3 m, 5 w, 7 flexible.

Theatrical producer J.W. Allsworth is putting together a spectacular holiday production promising to use 100 authentic elves for the big finale. Phelps, the head elf at the North Pole, says he will have the exact number of singers and dancers at the first rehearsal. He’ll keep it as a surprise for Santa when the money earned will pay off the workshop mortgage. But when Phelps comes up short of elves because Santa has already downsized the staff, Phelps must organize a worldwide search for all past employees. He finally comes up with exactly the required numbe...

  Bucky Saves Christmas

Comedy by Kenny Blade

41 pages

18 flexible characters

The Breckenheimers are a colorful but loving family celebrating Christmas with a unique hillbilly flair all their own. As our story begins, we flashback to the day Poppa delivered some very exciting news to Mama, his parents and his children Bucky, Queazy, Myra Jean and Lindy. He has just been promoted to the Assistant to the Junior Assistant Manager at the pickled egg plant owned by Garver Goobler. Poppa even gets to help Goobler with a "special" project Christmas morning. But the family's happiness is tempered by Mama's uneasiness with the motives of Gooble...

  Scrooge, Marley & Me

Comedy Interactive by Jim and Jane Jeffries

36 pages

7 m, 7 w, 3 flexible, extras

In this lightly-interactive dinner theatre play, King Scrydan is so cheap that he can’t even pay attention. And if he did, he would know that everyone calls him Scrooge behind his back. Coming from beyond Jamaica, his dearly-departed brother Marley tells him, “Bredda, yuh inna big chobble. Yuh be too gravelicious. But me cyan 'elp yuh wit dat problem.” Luckily, Marley has brought along his Jamaican-to-English interpreter who can translate. Marley warns Scrydan that if he does not change his skinflint ways, it will lead to a fate worse than death. Scrydan will...

  Tis the Season

Christmas Comedy Holiday by Linda Berry

28 pages

(3 m, 2 w, 2 flexible)(3 m, 3 w)

Celebrate the holiday season in a new way this year! These two short interrelated comedies provide a fresh alternative to traditional holiday dramas. In “‘Tis the Season” (3 m, 2 w, 2 flexible), the Scheduler has called a meeting of representatives of major winter festivals and holidays because the “people upstairs” have decided December is too cluttered with similar events. The group, including Santa, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and Solstice, discuss who could retire, merge, or relocate, but they cannot agree. When the Scheduler is called away, the discussi...

  Christmas Carol -Davis/Murdock

Holiday Musical by Pat Davis

56 pages

Large, flexible cast.

A tremendous and faithful adaptation of the Dickens classic. A must for any theatre season! The entire story is there with Ghost of Marley, Tiny Tim and family, the Fezziwigs, and a most dramatic appearances by the Spirits of Christmas. A delightful score combines classic Christmas carols with exciting new music for a treat the entire family can enjoy. In addition to several traditional carols, some original songs include "Bah! Humbug!"; "First Love"; "Lost Love"; and "All Because of You."

  A Commedia Christmas Carol

Commedia by Lane Riosley

50 pages

2 m, 2 w

In this faithful 1-act adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic, a traveling troupe of commedia del arte players re-create the Victorian world of “A Christmas Carol” on a bare stage. All of the many wonderful characters are played by these four actors with cleverness, skill, and comedy. Dickens, an actor, playwright, and enthusiastic theatergoer, used many theatrical characters in his novels, especially characters from the commedia del arte tradition. The most notable of these is Ebenezer Scrooge, who is played in this adaptation by commedia’s big-nosed Punc...

  Dividing Tree

Adult Christmas by Mark Ogle

65 pages

2 m, 2 w, 1 teen girl, 1 teen boy, 1 girl.

A unique and relevant holiday drama that tells the story of a newly formed, mixed-religion family and the sometimes humorous, sometimes tense conflicts that arise during the Christmas/Hanukkah season. Sam, a Christian, and Michelle, a Jew, agreed when they married that, even though neither was especially religious, they would continue to celebrate the holidays the way their kids were used to. But it may not be that simple. Sam has a 13-year-old daughter, Marie, who is about to be confirmed. Michelle has a 17-year-old son, VJ, who rejects religion in favor of ...

  The First Thanksgiving According to Dwayne

Comedy Holiday by Pat Cook

22 pages

4 m, 6 w

"Four score and seven years ago, Christopher Columbus drove his Plymouth on a rock." This is just one of the tidbits of American history according to Dwayne. When asked in class to explain how America celebrated its first Thanksgiving, he launches into the most lopsided account imaginable. Father and Mother of this Pilgrim family get talked into hosting the event. "You have the table," the Preacher explains. And we finally find out how such Thanksgiving staples came about. "I can't believe we're having turkey," Mother groans. "Hey, I ran over it with the mule...