Lane Riosley currently has 15 plays in publication with productions by The Children's Theatre of Charlotte, The Actor's Company, The Little Top Theatre Company, The West Coast Ensemble, The Texas Renaissance Theatre, Stages Repertory Theatre, The Merry-Go-Round Theatre, Asolo Theatre and countless high schools and colleges across the nation. Formerly a script writer for the KUHT-TV/PBS television series CENTERSTAGE, Lane's work has been featured at the American Film Institute Festival in Los Angeles. Lane's science fiction theatre series "Lucky Hightops and the Cosmic Cat Patrol" played a six-year run at both EarlyStages of Houston and as a live show at Houston's Burke Baker Planetarium. Lane offers playwrighting workshops in schools and colleges and has been a featured speaker and presenter Theatrefest and the Texas Educational Theatre Association. A recipient of the 1992 Writer's Foundation Gold Award for screenplay writing Lane is a winner of the Roger L. Stevens Award in Playwrighting from the President's Committee on the Arts and the Fund for New American Plays. Most recently Lane served as a panel speaker for the 2013 Comicpalooza, a convention featuring some of the nation's leading artists, actors and writers.
75 pages
4 m, 4 w
In this faithful adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic, a traveling troupe of commedia dell'Arte players re-create the Victorian world of “A Christmas Carol” on a bare stage. All of the many wonderful characters are portrayed by these 8 players with cleverness, skill, and comedy. Dickens, an actor, playwright, and enthusiastic theatergoer himself, used many theatrical characters in his novels, especially characters from the commedia dell'Arte tradition. The most notable of these is Ebenezer Scrooge, who is played in this adaptation by commedia's cranky bu...
45 pages
2 m, 2 w
The zany antics of the commedia style, with lots of bumbling, scheming, incorrigible improvisations and very physical comedy, allows just four traveling actors to create this fast-paced story of Aladdin. Arelquin, Punchin, Columbine and Rosetta portray all the many roles in the story of a lazy young boy who needs to work to help support his mother, especially since his father froze up and is standing in a forest where birds nest in his hair! Aladdin almost falls for the machinations of an evil magician, but instead he saves himself and gains access to the Gen...
35 pages
5 m, 5 w, 1 B, 2 G + chorus (can be doubled to 3 m, 3 w, and 3 chorus)
Joanna Spyri's classic story of the orphan who spreads sunshine everywhere she goes is well represented in this fast-paced adaptation. Heidi conquers her grandfather, Peter, Klara, Herr Sesemann and all those with whom she comes in contact.
35 pages
14 parts. (with doubling 2 m, 1 w, 3 flexible)
Yazoo! Get ready for one tall tale of adventure as Sheriff Cyclone Malone must protect his town, Yazoo Junction, from evil pirates! The pirate captain, along with two bumbling crewmen, has somehow managed to build a submarine – with torpedoes! – and is sailing on the river outside of town. Cyclone’s gonna need help to deal with this problem. The sweet schoolmarm (and Cyclone’s gal) Cozy Dumond tries to get a message to the neighboring sheriff, but she is tricked by the disreputable Violent Lavender, captured and tied to the submarine’s periscope. Cyclone and ...
34 pages
3 m, 2 w, 1 puppet.
Y’all know of Pecos Bill, the first Texas cowboy! He was raised by coyotes, made the first lasso out of a rattlesnake, broke a cyclone down to a gentle breeze, tamed the longhorn cattle and almost married Slewfoot Sue, who caught his attention by riding a giant catfish. Unfortunately, this Pecos Bill is a little confused. Ya see, the setting is in the present at a performance of “Pecos Bill's Wild West Show,” patterned after the Wild West shows of the late 19th century. But Bill and the other performers still live in the past. They believe everyone comes to t...
36 pages
2 m, 2 w
Four commedia dell’arte actors perform all roles in this fast-paced, hilarious play. The rats of Hamlin (dressed with black ball caps) are hungry and demand the Mayor “set things rat, rat now!” And so you can see how poor pronunciation of a simple word created a terrible disagreement between the rats and the citizens of the clean little hamlet. The Mayor, portrayed by Punchin, the dell’ arte character with the big, proud nose, asks the Queen of the Cats, the Duke of the Dogs, the Earl of the Eagles, the High Prince of the Possums, and even the Countess of Cat...
35 pages
6 m, 8 w.
In this fast-paced “green” adaptation Jack and his mother are really poor now that the forest has been cut down. Sadly, all that’s left is for them to sell their cow, Milky White. (All Milky White can say is “moo” but her moos are extremely expressive!) Jack trades her for magic beans and by the next morning, the beanstalks have grown out of sight into the sky. Jack climbs up and enters into the castle of the Giant and his wife, Giganta. Ultimately Jack rescues a hen that lays golden eggs, a magic harp, and even more importantly, tree seedlings which will hel...
50 pages
2 m, 2 w
In this faithful 1-act adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic, a traveling troupe of commedia del arte players re-create the Victorian world of “A Christmas Carol” on a bare stage. All of the many wonderful characters are played by these four actors with cleverness, skill, and comedy. Dickens, an actor, playwright, and enthusiastic theatergoer, used many theatrical characters in his novels, especially characters from the commedia del arte tradition. The most notable of these is Ebenezer Scrooge, who is played in this adaptation by commedia’s big-nosed Punc...
41 pages
2 m, 2 w
This play is a gathering of some of the most clever characters ever written! It provides examples of the clownish, comic characters written by William Shakespeare in many different kinds of productions through the ages. Far from circus clowns in face paint, these are clowns in the broadest sense, varying in sizes, shapes, ages and types. A few of the characters include the rude Mechanicals in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Constable Dogberry in “Much Ado About Nothing,” the boastful Sir Jon Falstaff in “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” the boisterous sisters Bianca...