Many of our children's theatre musicals have fully orchestrated rehearsal and performance tracks on a flash drive. This means the first half of the tracks have vocals so youth actors can learn the music and the second half of the tracks have just instrumental tracks which you can play during your production.
26 pages
2 m, 4 or 5 w
Prince Charming Smile meets Steve, an itinerant narrator, and after a furious swordfight they become friends. Prince Charming Smile tells Steve that he is the only Prince Charming without a lady fair, and he is on the quest for one. When he meets Rapunzel, “imprisoned” by the wicked witch Imaboil and the New Age witch Esmepus, he falls deeply into shallow love. He decides to rescue her and win her as his wife. But the rather vapid Rapunzel doesn’t want the Prince, so Steve conjures up a sleeping Snow White for him and a happy ending for all the characters. Tw...
52 pages
Flexible cast, approx. 10 m, 4 w (or 7 actors with doubling)
A one-set operetta about the 1880s Colorado mining town of Dead Dog Gulch - oops, we mean, Columbine Valley. You see, the ladies of the Beautification Society have purtied the town - the general store is now a pink "emporium," and even the jail - well, crime is down because no man would be caught dead in it! Now the miners are always fighting, that is, until the cowboys arrive and start shooting and making fun of this sissy town. The kids and ladies solve the problem but pretend the miners did it all. Unison songs. About 60 minutes.
77 pages
5 m, 10 w, 8 flexible and 20 or more extras
Here is a musical adventure through cyberspace, a song-filled battle between technology and imagination. The story begins simply in the home of a couple of ordinary kids, but when their babysitters are sucked into a video game, the adventure begins! To rescue their babysitters, the kids must figure out how to get "into the game." Once inside, the kids discover that their babysitters are not the only ones in trouble! An evil sorceress called Chasm is draining all the imagination and color out of Cyberspace and soon there will be nothing left! The kids enlist t...
37 pages
Flexible cast
"California, Here We Come" is a celebration of California History in a pageant of song, dance, and tableaux. The pageant covers the history of California from the early days of the Indians, the present and the future. The pageant is presented in short scenes with music and dance of the appropriate times. Riders with various flags help set the scenes. The stage decor includes a back with a stylized California landscape which remains in place throughout the presentation, and risers on which the various characters of the show are placed as they exit from scenes,...
44 pages
14 or more (minimum cast of 8 with doubling)
All the deer inhabitants in Bucksville are lamenting there hasn't been a spring in fifteen years! Coincidentally, that was when our hero, Peter, an orphan bunny, was discovered in a basket and adopted by a family of deer. As the only bunny in Bucksville, Peter feels out of place, and despite words of comfort from his mother, decides to set out on a quest to find spring. His travels bring him to the land of Omalet, where he's delighted to discover other bunnies. They are painting eggs in preparation for the annual test to reveal if spring is inside any of them...
32 pages
Flexible roles for 30 or more
Here’s the story of Howard Carter's famous discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. Carter and others with him are astounded by the treasures buried for over 3,000 years. Before long the visitors discover the story of this little-known king through the writing on the walls of the tomb. These hieroglyphs come to life, teaching us all about Ancient Egypt including King Tutankhamun, Queen Hatshepsut, Egyptian society, the gods and pyramids. This musical was written specifically for young voices, ideally, Grades 5 through 9. Grades 3 and 4 could participate ...
55 pages
Widely Flexible
The music is stunning in this story set in Athens around 400 BC. Despite the city's wealth and splendor, the Athenians have recently been defeated by the joint Spartan and Persian armies and now reluctantly, after years of superiority, have to put up with foreign interference. Anxious to find out what is in store for their great civilization, Socrates, Plato and Hippocrates set off to see the great Oracle at Delphi. The Pythia tells them to seek advice from Zeus himself at the great statue in Olympus where they will discover their destiny. Lots of fun songs, ...
48 pages
2 m, 3 w, 15+ flexible
Everyone agrees: Prince Harris is the world’s worst prince! (“A Prince That’s the Worst”) It’s obvious he thinks only about himself. (“Me, Myself, and I”) He finally faces a huge consequence after hunting in the off-limits Magic Wood. Fairy Queen Mab turns him into a frog, and he needs a kiss from a princess to break the spell. But that’s not so easy with Princess Jillian, a headstrong basketball whiz. She seeks an independent life and cares deeply about the environment. (“Work It Out") Can both overcome their differences to find their own “Happily Ever Afte...