Products tagged with 'Musical'

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  A Meteor, Right?

Comedy Musical by Steve Flowers

55 pages

5 m, 19 w, 2-8 flexible, extras

The townspeople of Flemmington get rocked back on their heels when meteors come crashing down from space. Amidst all of the excitement and chaos, three teenage girls find the meteorites and discover the special powers that come along with them. The girls use these space rocks to their advantage to control the townspeople, including the Gaggle of Geeks, the phone-obsessed tweens, and the old lady who thinks everything is evil. The story culminates with the meteorites being used against each other during an epic battle to determine which one is the most powerfu...

  Flashback to Murder

Interactive Musical by Get-A-Clue Productions

45 pages

2 m, 4 w

It's 1975 - disco and polyester are in. Your audience is attending the 20-year reunion of the Class of 1955. Twenty years has brought about some drastic changes. Will everyone recognize the promiscuous Mitzy as Sister Mary Martha? Or how about that wallflower turned soap opera diva, Veronica West? Reunions are great for reminiscing. It's too bad the evening is dampened by the unsolved murder of the prom queen. Flashback in time to that fateful year and participate in solving the mystery. A sweet, nostalgic blast from the past that's great for all ages, "Flash...


Musical by Goode and Fingerhut

36 pages

Cast of up to 28 mixed gender roles

On the lonely planet Eleph, where language was never invented, the mango-loving Elephans learn to communicate without words. The friendly (and not-so-friendly) aliens share their story in song with the help of the local children of Earth. A delightful score of 6 songs, including "I Am Only Me," and "Do You Know What It Means To Be Lonesome?" help to carry the message of the play: tolerance, understanding and listening. Very few roles, if any, are gender specific. The opportunities for creative costumes and sets are also present. Roles can also be expanded or ...

  The Edge of the Nest

Musical Theatre Youth by Stephen Murray

61 pages

Widely flexible cast (minimum 7 m, 5 w, chorus)

From the day we're hatched to the day we spread our wings and fly on our own, there are a series of requisite, riotous rites of passage that must be experienced. This collection of humorous scenes and hummable songs explores the innocent squawk of infancy, the terrible twos, the treacherous teens, and everything in between. There are tactics for dealing with those who endeavor to shape, stretch and warp our minds and bodies, like gym teachers, substitute teachers and those cafeteria culinary queens, "The Little Lunch Ladies." From the angst of acne, adolescen...

  Dave the Brave and the Pirateers

Musical Youth by Analyn Boydston

43 pages

Flexible cast size of 13-20+

When the famous pirate Dave the Brave and his faithful first mate Marisa the Cowardly discover a map leading to the Treasure of Prophecy, they know they must follow it! They need to find the treasure before Dave’s archnemesis, Lady Legs, for whoever holds the map controls destiny! Dave and Marisa hire the Pirateers, a group of five misfits (and one puppet!), to help them, but the trip won’t be smooth sailing. Along the way, they’ll have to deal with rapping crocodiles, singing sirens, and mischievous seagulls who are all determined to stop the ship for their ...

  Look Out, Olympus!

Musical by Jeffrey Smart Scott Keys

71 pages

5 m, 5 w, many extras

Ashley, a freshman sprite, makes her first visit to Mt. Olympus to meet the powerful pantheon of gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece. She is overwhelmed by the way the Great Olympians live and the power that they wield, and wants to grab a little of the glory for herself. She becomes friends with Persephone, the goddess of spring who is running away from her brooding husband, Hades. Together the women set off on an ambitious odyssey to steal Zeus' lightning bolts, Poseidon's trident, and Hades' helmet of invisibility and take over Mt. Olympus! They are pursu...