34 pages
2 m, 2 w
When high school student Garrett pays his best friend to see if his girlfriend will cheat on him, they all become entangled in a web of lies and deception, and a series of changing allegiances. Sierra, Hope, Garrett, and Nick have been friends for years, but will any of their relationships survive? Most importantly, who will end up with the Chipotle gift card?
46 pages
21 characters; 10 m, 11 f, extras, doubling possible
A high school drama teacher directs her students in rehearsing a version of Romeo and Juliet. A creative writing teacher encourages her students to compose poems that reflect their personal lives. And a man, the narrator, weaves these school experiences –and his own– into a play he has written. The result is a beautiful mosaic of the familiar lives of students and culture inherent in high schools. The play deals with tragedy, bullying, sexuality, grieving, and perseverance with vital sensitivity. A mix of ...
34 pages
Flexible cast of 19
Students with behavioral issues have been volunteered to be subjects in a government-sponsored experiment. Paid for their time and participation in the study, they will play games in an attempt to be the last team remaining. The purpose of these challenges is to test territorial and personal boundaries when placed under external duress. What happens when teammates must turn on their own? How far will they go to protect their territory? When a knife is introduced, the stakes become real… but so does the prize money.
35 pages
3 m, 2 w, flexible cast of 25, doubling possible
Deep in the forest on a cold winter's night, an owl tells his friends about another winter's night when a shooting star lit up the sky, fell to the ground, and left a human child in a hollow tree. A woodcutter, who sees the shooting star, finds the child, takes him home, and rears him as a member of his family. The Star Child grows up to be a very handsome young man, but he doesn't have compassion or kindness. He mistreats the poor and the sick, he hurts the animals of the forest, and he shows no love for the family that raised him. Eventually he loses his ha...
33 pages
Ensemble of 10 (5 m, 5 w), 40+ roles with no doubling
On the eve of the 1954 closing of Ellis Island, two teenagers, an Italian-American and an Irish-American, sneak inside the main building to see it for themselves. They meet an older man, now a janitor after serving as an inspector on the island since the early 1900s. The teens are drawn into his stories from the past and his memories come alive with an ensemble of people from all nationalities and backgrounds. Some of the immigrants are already famous, some will become famous and many, many others are “famous” only within their own families. But they all shar...
36 pages
2 Actors
David Radman, a young journalist, must write a story about The Vaudeville Theatre, which has recently been designated for destruction. He reluctantly arrives at the building for an appointment with the President of the Theatre Rescue Society, but is instead greeted by Charles Grimm, the janitor. Grimm shows Radman the magic of theatre. During a series of theatrical explorations—in which they dance a soft-shoe, eat lunch on the backdrop, explore the props cabinet, and fence—Grimm and Radman peel away years of heartache and ang...