Two tigers are in their cages backstage at the circus. The ANGRY TIGER is pacing nervously back and forth; the LAZY TIGER is taking things easy. The Angry Tiger is frustrated how he will have to jump through a hoop and balance on a ball. The Lazy Tiger reminds him he'll at least get a treat. The Angry Tiger decides it's time to get his own "treat."
E-mail means better communication: it's more efficient than long-winded meetings, less effort than formal business letters, and much faster than laying telephone tag. But not always! This poor office worker finds tips from an e-mail efficiency expert really equals more errors!
What bridesmaid has ever liked the color or style of her dress.much less the hat! This bridesmaid may be forced to wear an awful outfit, but someday she'll get married and get her revenge with the bridesmaids' dresses she picks out!
A teenage girl at a coffee shop tells about the fight for control with her father, a stubborn man quick to anger. She knows what buttons to push to make him react with violence. Then she must lie about the cause of her bruises.
Alicia's new cartoon tattoo, done on a somewhat private place on her body, violates Mega Studio's copyright. All the studio requires is that she display the tattoo whenever they specify! Characters include Alicia, the attorney, and the "repo" man. Aghhh!
Meredith, a young woman, flies home to visit her father who is battling cancer. They talk about their common love, baseball, all day. Once back home, she begins to call her parents almost daily and is told not to worry-until one call when he father urges her to go out to dinner and think of him. He dies that night with a picture of her in his hand and a baseball game playing on TV. (drama)
Vanessa, a teenage girl, recalls her father humming when he left the family on weekends; perhaps it didn't rate the full-out whistling he did when he finally walked out on the family forever. She cried when he left that time, but wonders if it wasn't from her sense of relief, knowing she wouldn't have to experience his disappointment in them anymore. (drama)
An older servant directs a younger one in preparing the king's body for burial. After specific procedures and treatments with special oils and herbs, the body is ready. The older servant then tells the younger one how to die peacefully herself as the two servants are finally sealed in the royal tomb to serve their master in the afterlife.
Wendy, a teenager, always wanted to be a surgeon. She used to operate on her little sister's teddy bears. After a while that lost its appeal. Now she's started cutting on other things, even herself. (drama)
A woman prepares her testimony with her attorney before taking the stand in court. Bruised and battered, she tells how her husband would get angry at her "stupid" mistakes. She wishes her story had a fairy tale ending. Her attorney hopes to get her charge knocked down to a second degree. #7812 About 280 words / 1 minute.
Paige, in her late teens, reflects on riding in the car with her grandmother. Even though her grandma was a safe driver, Paige often seemed to foresee a terrible accident. When her grandmother does die in a car accident, Paige feels her visions are the cause. (drama)
Shakespeare is a guest on a TV talk show to promote his updated classics: no more archaic references to fishmongers and codpieces. Instead, as various scenes are acted out, we see product placement now plays a huge part. There's a soft drink logo on Yorick's skull in "Hamlet"; the Weather Channel is plugged by the three witches in "Macbeth"; and a GPS device helps keep tab on Romeo. Where will it all end?!
A Yankee soldier describes his dread before and during a fierce battle against waves of Reb soldiers. The sounds, the sights, and even the smell of battle assault him as he tries to survive while shooting from a small hole in a low rock wall. He wonders what is the difference between bravery and sheer stupidity.
A MAN and a WOMAN are in a restaurant on a blind date. They find they have a lot in common and everything is going great until it comes time to order ice cream for dessert. She orders vanilla, which in his mind isn't even a flavor. Will they break up over something so.vanilla?