Zoe, an office assistant, quickly fixes the copier without calling in for repairs, enabling the report to get finished on time, rescuing the important project and ultimately saving the whole company! Not only can she fix a copier, but she knows everyone's passwords, pass codes, account numbers -- and sometimes even the dates of their anniversaries. She's Zoe, office superhero!
Cassie, in her late teens, is fiercely intelligent and very impulsive. She is planning her revenge on a nurse, revenge which includes biting a Barbie, because she doesn't have a needle or voodoo doll in her present residential location. (drama)
A young man waits by a romantic spot at the river for Janice, a young woman he's recently seen and instantly fallen in love with. He thinks it was destiny that they were at the jazz club at the same time. He wonders and hopes, even though he's never called her, will destiny bring them together now at the river?
Neil is an intense young man, yet not unnervingly so. He's gotten some great advice from his bedroom poster of Mick Jagger, such as quitting basketball and dropping a girlfriend. But lately, the poster has been silent. Neil wishes "Poster Mick" would say something, anything, to him. (drama)
Mrs. Henderson, an older lady, approaches a friendly bank teller to make a withdrawal - not just of her small savings account money but all of the bank's money. You see, Mrs. Henderson has an unusual plan for getting secure retirement benefits.
Are your student actors daunted by the thought of memorizing lines of Shakespeare? Erase their fears with this incredible version of "Hamlet" where actors only have to memorize one-word sentences!
The question, "Who chopped down the cherry tree," is answered by George Washington as well as several other former presidents and even a few well-known entertainers of today!
A SPACE ALIEN with green skin has landed near a beach on earth. Now he or she radios to the mother ship to report his or her findings that these primitive people lather themselves with some kind of cooking oil, then proceed to bake themselves alive!
Fletcher made front page news when the cops dragged him out of his home in handcuffs. But Fletcher didn't do it. No matter how many times he said so, the police didn't believe him, until the DNA test results came back. He was innocent and was released. That newspaper article, though, was hidden, way back on page 37. So don't judge Fletcher until you know him, and know his real story. (drama)
Stan and Tony are rooting for the Jets while John, who's just arrived, starts rooting for the Steelers. When they ask him why, he says he never roots for "Northern" teams. As the guys question him further, John reveals his complicated method of determining which team to support. It seems totally illogical until Trisha enters and starts rabidly rooting for one of the teams for her own reasons.
A successful businessman in his 30s, Elliot describes his new girlfriend Kim, a hipper, edgier younger woman into underground rappers. Being with her, he explains, is like traveling in a foreign country where the language and customs can be strange. But after all, life is an adventure. (drama)
Trevor, a teenager, speaks to his sister on her wedding day, telling her how much she's meant to him-how she's laughed at his jokes, encouraged him, and always seen the best in him. He feels like she's leaving him to start her real life. Once she moves away, their family will never quite be the same. (drama)