Deborah L. Jacobson

Deborah Jacobson, a veteran English and Drama teacher in the New Jersey school system, began her writing career when her students began complaining about preparing for college auditions. Their frustration at finding overused, inappropriate, or unsuitable material motivated Deborah to write monologue and other drama books for teens. When not teaching, directing, or writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and focusing on an unusual hobby, collecting cookie jars! Deborah is thrilled to share her writing with teens beyond the walls of her classroom.

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  Middle School Awakenings

Resource by Deborah L. Jacobson

63 pages

Resource Book

The middle school years are a time of individuality, of finding out who you truly are inside. Here is a collection of 60 monologues where the characters talk, think, and feel like real-life pre- and early teens. The monologues, which each run from two to three minutes in performance time, highlight the most unpredictable, explosive and often humorous years of young adulthood, those middle school years. This collection is perfect for acting exercises, auditions, showcases, and variety shows.

  Totally Teen Women: 50 Monologues

Resource by Deborah L. Jacobson

60 pages

Monologue Collection

Here is a medley of monologues about the time in a woman's life that is the most volatile and profound: her teen years. Each monologue is about a peak moment in the lives of 50 teen women, trying to communicate their ideas and share their feelings. Every selection provides a variety of intense emotions in the language that teens speak. Each monologue is a short story on its own, with a beginning, middle, and end. Even though any one of the monologues can be completed in brief minutes, its speaker is three-dimensional, its content evolves thoroughly, and its e...