Full Length (21 & more Actors)

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  Winter's Tale

Shakespeare by John Dilworth Newman

68 pages

13 m, 13 w, and Bear, Time Chorus & Musicians

A beautiful adaptation especially written for secondary school students to perform. Here is the story of good versus evil and the power of time to heal all wounds. Leontes, without warning, suddenly believes his visiting boyhood friend, Polixenes, is in love with Leontes' wife Hermione. Leontes even goes so far as to order his friend poisoned and Hermione thrown in jail where she has a baby girl. It never occurs to Leontes he could be wrong, even though the Oracle of Apollo showed the couple's innocence. Sixteen years later the child, Perdita, who has been ra...

  Spinning Girl

Drama by Tim Mogford

58 pages

11 m, 23 w, doubling possible

High school student Chloe seems to have everything together. She is a soccer player, a dancer, and a top student. But under the surface, the pressure is mounting. Her mom and brother need help at home, the school projects pile up, and even her friends pressure her to start dating. She doesn’t want to disappoint anybody, but in her effort to please everyone, her world begins spinning out of control. As the various responsibilities build up around her, she creates and deploys multiple versions of herself – the Chorus – in an effort to be "everything to everybod...

  Honor Among Thieves

Drama Fantasy by Lindsey Schneider

51 pages

8 m, 7 w, 9 flexible and extras, doubling possible.

The headstrong leader of a feisty gang of child thieves has a secret: the young man everyone knows as Rosario is really a teenage girl, climbing the ranks of a clandestine criminal guild. To join the illustrious Council of Convicts, she needs all the help she can get  from her followers to steal the Madonna statue off the newest church in the city. But not everyone is thrilled about her risky plan, and Rosario suffers a double betrayal. Tackling themes of sexism, loyalty, and deceit, will her dangerous ambition tear the gang apart? Approximately 70 ...

  Hail to the Chief

Comedy by Craig Sodaro

64 pages

7 m, 11 w, 5 flexible parts

Fellow Americans! Your President has more problems than the Treasury Department can count! When he ends up stranded in the sleepy mountain town of Turtle Creek he finds the folks there none too happy 'bout the new highway passing them by. To make matters worse, his daughter's rebellious boyfriend shows up with his own political agenda. Also popping in unexpectedly is a lady CEO who's into acquisitions - and her next planned take-over is the White House as the new first lady! Add an inept Secret Service agent, two chiseling advisors, and an underworld kingpin ...

  The Handyman Bride

Comedy by Shirley McNichols

71 pages

10 m, 10 w, 3 flexible

Foreign Princess Daella is hiding out at Aunt Lillian's Boarding House for Young Performers to avoid a pre-arranged marriage. With the help of the smitten and good-hearted Stan, she manages to disguise herself as a handyman, Mike. Between the frantic royal family trying to find their princess, a Hollywood star planning to shoot a movie at the boardinghouse, and Daella's cousin, Terhessa, flirting with the cute "handyman" everything seems crazy. And it gets even crazier and funnier when Stan is seen hugging "Mike" and speaking to him in the completely made up ...

  Those Wild West Women

Comedy by Tony Howell

67 pages

13 m, 15 w, and extras

The women of Blue Butte are worried that their men are too ready to feud and fight. In an effort to stop them, the women go on strike, refusing to cook, clean or kiss them unless they sign an agreement to stop carrying guns! The men are reluctant and try to convince their women to go back to things as before. The women, in an effort to stay strong, decide to stay together at Colleen’s restaurant. Soon the deputy and his friends find out Custer Tarnation, a dangerous villain, is headed their way. They get an idea: one of their buddies will dress up as the infa...

  Hades - A Retelling of the Persephone Myth

Drama by Nelly E Cuellar-Garcia

44 pages

Approx. 7 m, 4 w, 1 flexible plus ensemble.

As Lord of the Underworld, Hades’ life is perpetually dark and dismal. His only companions are an ensemble of the dead composed of many of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War as well as the bitter and resentful queens, Helen, Cassandra, and Clytemnestra. They are all tortured souls, especially after being in the lowest dregs of hell for centuries. Then Hades kidnaps Persephone, the goddess of spring, who is young and carefree. Although initially she is desperately unhappy, Hades works hard to make her comfortable, and they learn the intricacies involved in dea...


Drama by Hilary Mackelden

74 pages

14 m, 10 w, 4 flexible, extras

Rick Burgess and coworkers, Joe and Samantha, are on an outward-bound training weekend, organized by their boss, Rick's father, when they become hopelessly lost in the forest. Through the fog they finally stumble upon a remote little village, Ashdown-Lee. But the villagers are dressed as peasants and wary of the intruders. Ingrid, the mayor's daughter, however, is attracted to Rick and invites the trio to stay. They soon discover that the magical village appears only one day every fifty years. To the villagers it is the next day, but to the rest of the world ...

  Princess and the Enchanted Swans

Classic by Bill Van Horn

59 pages

10 m, 12 w, 6 flexible, extras, doubling possible

Adapted from the original Grimm fairy tale, "The Six Swans." Good King Edmund is tricked into marrying the daughter of the evil wizard. The king finds to his horror that his new bride, Lilith, wishes to dispose of him and all his children so that she and the wizard can steal the magic Edmund guards. Lilith succeeds in turning all the children, except Princess Elizabeth, into swans. Elizabeth must remain silent for five years and weave five shirts from thorny starflowers to free her siblings. Sad, lonely, but brave, she remains silent and withstands the onslau...

  Sahara Nights

Comedy by Wade Bradford

54 pages

27 characters, extras, much doubling possible.

The bored Sultan thinks Sahara Scheherazade is auditioning for the new position of Royal Entertainer, but what she's really trying to do is get her friend Aladdin out of the dungeon. A quick thinker, she creates captivating stories to gain time. "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" becomes "Ali Baba and the Forty-Niners," with a disgruntled football team as some of the characters; "The Adventures of Sinbad" becomes a Star Trek-inspired spoof with Captain Kork and Mr. Spork; and lastly, the "Emperor's New Clothes" deals with the "King" himself, Elvis, and his advi...

  Doofus and Goofus

Farce by R Eugene Jackson

74 pages

Flexible cast of 20

A kazillion dollars is a one followed by so many zeros they fall off the edge of the page. That's the ransom Lala Man and Lulu have demanded for the bratty child they have kidnapped and hidden in the grimy Pig Sty Family Restaurant. But they did not count on Doofus and Goofus, two determined but hysterically dense teenage girls who hope to raise a mere million dollars by 5 o'clock by working as waitresses. It's an explosive comedy of a million laughs and almost as many misadventures as the girls earn - and lose - a million dollars three different times!

  Legends in a Snowfall

Classic by Claudia Haas

57 pages

10 m, 12 w, 11 flexible

Winter tales from around the world come together to celebrate the joys and wonders of this dark and cold season. Ellisandra, a weather spirit who hopes to become Frost Queen, takes a tired woman, Faith, on a journey of imagination. They first meet the Snow Maiden, a beautiful woman who can only live during winter, in a legend from Russia. Tempesta, a stormy weather spirit who also seeks the title of Frost Queen, presents her own Native American tale from Minnesota. It's about a young poet at odds with a warrior lifestyle and his encounter with a Great White B...

  Boyfriend by Blackmail

Comedy by Tony Howell

67 pages

5 m, 11 w, 7 flex, 4 kids. Doubling is possible.

When Cassidy Tyler heads back to her hometown of Farmland, Indiana, she is determined to tell the truth about the boyfriend she has been writing about in her blog and magazine column. But before she can confess to her family, her editor arranges for a suspended sports writer, Jason, to play the part of this fictional boyfriend. She is determined to throw him out, but her family loves him, her old boyfriend hates him, and she finds herself more attracted to him than she wants to admit. But at her sister’s graduation party, the fake romance is exposed in front ...


Classic by Craig Sodaro

68 pages

6 m, 18 w, doubling possible

Adapted from the book by Eleanor Porter. It's the early 1900s and young, frightened Pollyanna Whittier arrives in Vermont, full of hope that her new life with Aunt Polly will help ease the pain of her parents' deaths. But Polly Harrington has only taken her niece out of a sense of duty and quickly regrets it. The girl immediately begins making friends with the very people Polly Harrington has worked hard to either ignore or run out of town. Pollyanna seems to find joy in everything and gradually brings the town to life. But when Aunt Polly finds her niece hel...

  The Faerie King's Daughter

Fantasy by Elliott B. Baker

64 pages

15 to 24 or more

Eighteen-year-old Katie has a problem: she's a tooth fairy who’s just not interested in the family business. While out exploring the human world, Katie meets Max, a young man who inexplicably is able to see her. This is unusual in that the fairy troops are not visible without their consent. Although forbidden to return to the world of humans by her father the king, Katie is determined to see Max again. Their growing friendship becomes moot when during the Centennial, a celebration of all the fairy troops, the Troll King demands his reward for not having kidna...