On an enchanted island, a powerful man named Prospero uses his magic to create a tempest to shipwreck his enemies on his shores. Once they are on land, Prospero leads the castaways about with the help of his fairy servant, Ariel, who has long been promised her freedom. The conspiring nobles who once usurped Prospero’s dukedom are haunted by Ariel, and their plot to murder one of their own is thwarted. Meanwhile, one of the castaways, a kind prince, falls in love with Prospero’s daughter. Prospero’s monstrous servant, Caliban, meets up with the ship’s captain and first mate who tame the creature and conspire with him to destroy Prospero. While Prospero seems determined to avenge past wrongs, a higher passion ultimately overcomes him as he strives toward reconciliation with those who wronged him and those he may have wronged. This version with simplified plot and dialogue is readily comprehensible to modern audiences of various ages. About 45-60 minutes.