Product reviews for The Losers' Club

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The Losers' Club
"This play is a middle school Drama teacher's dream.  Let's start with the production requirements.  Couldn't be simpler or cheaper to produce.  We are talking one set here, and that set is comprised of junky pieces you would find in an abandoned classroom.  It is modern, so kids can wear their own clothes as costumes.  It is a one act, so the material is extremely manageable. Now let's get to the more important stuff.  The kids love it!  For the first time in my 15 years of teaching Drama, kids spontaneously erupted into applause at the conclusion of the first read.  The script really spoke to them. Our production was hugely successful.  Students, parents, and teachers were wowed by it.  The discussions it spurred were priceless.  I can not recommend this piece highly enough.  Do it, you will not be sorry." -- John Burroughs Middle School, Los Angeles, CA
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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The Losers' Club
"We produced the 'The Loser's Club' for the EKDAS (Eastern Kentucky Dramatic Arts Society) Festival in April 2014 and took Second Place overall with this production. We missed first place by ONE point!  The crowd response was great, being mostly drama students and parents. 'The Loser's Club' touched many different areas of student life. My drama students enjoyed portraying the characters as well. At EKDAS in addition to Second Place Overall, we also won Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Newcomer Award, and two Adjudicator Awards: Sensitivity with Acting Approach and Best Special Effect (for the slow motion scene during Lizzie's Monologue). This play was great for Festival. I would definitely recommend it for other schools." -- D.S., Whitley Co. High School, Williamsburg, KY
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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The Losers' Club
"We chose THE LOSERS' CLUB for our participation in District Drama Rally competition and if we scored high enough, we would be able to participate in State Drama Rally. We placed third in District and ranked Superior at the State level! We also received best actor, best actress, and best supporting actor." -- D.R., Magnet Academy for Cultural Arts, Opelousas, LA
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Let me just tell you how your script changed our lives!
“Let me just tell you how your script changed our lives! The Losers Club completely changed the way our performing arts program was viewed and it basically put us on the map. We began preparing in December for the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guilds 89th DramaFest competition primary round hosted the last weekend in February. Not only did our cast knock it out of the park, but the auditorium responded in such a magical way that I cried the entire time. The energy! The comedy in this show! The kids took it to the next level by relating and becoming these amazingly spot on cast of characters. The judges LOVED that we made them less stereotypical and more relatable. Your words and the way the script is set up helped us immensely with that. While the kids chose to improv a bit more ... shall we say, “teenage language” (Kevin loves to throw around some foul language amidst his rage), the main theme really hit home with everyone, including us. We really wanted the teenage vibe to be genuine.  Manchester Essex hasn’t placed in DramaFest in 9 years. We won the primaries and we were supposed to move on to the Semi Final round except everything was cancelled over the past few weeks. Devastation to say the least but it’s for good reason. I cannot tell you how amazing these kids did, Mr. Smith. What that play brought out in these actual underdogs, the confidence, the community we built from it! I cannot thank you enough. WE cannot thank you enough 🙏🏽”
Manchester Essex Regional High School - Beverly, MA | 3/24/2020 9:49 AM
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