"It was a great production. We won 2nd place at our district competition with superior. The students really got into talking about bullying and drinking and driving. We made a character board to discuss the consequences of a person's actions. This well-written play is great for competitions or schools." -- A.G., South Terrebonne High, Bourg, LA
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Libby Pearce Drinks
"Our students are really fired up. They love the script!" -- Lee Erickson, State SADD Coordinator, North Dakota
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Libby Pearce Drinks
"We showed it to students attending the prom, and their families. Not only did it get kids talking, but also their parents." -- Russ Kline, SAP Coordinator, Conrad Weiser High School, PA
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Some of the comments from students and advisors attending the National SADD conference in AZ, 2008.
"It was a great example of bullying/consequences of bad choices, plus a program we could use..." "The message, and the way it was delivered, was incredibly powerful." "It was really true-to-life and an influential experience."