
Book By: Jane McGinnes
Play #: 8612
Pages: 40 pgs
Cast: Cast of 22+ (3 m, 6 w, 3 flexible, ensemble of 8-10)

Influence(rs) follows middle schooler AJ Ryan as she embarks on a surreal guided tour of her own past, led by the creators of Mythical Mayhem, her favorite podcast. With their unique blend of humor and storytelling, the podcasters help her revisit pivotal moments in her past: a new school, a bereavement, and a social media calamity. Along the way, she discovers the power of perspective, forms a bond with her alter-ego AJ2, and begins to understand how her choices influence her path. With relevant contemporary themes, just the right balance of comedy and drama, and an epic climactic battle with a giant Kraken puppet, the play invites its teen audiences to assess the influencers in their own lives. Running time: 50 minutes.

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Behind The Scenes

With playwright Jane McGinnes


What's your favorite part or line in the play?  Why?

My favorite part is when the central character, AJ,  battles with a giant octopus puppet. The students enjoyed creating this scene - wielding swords and learning fight choreography. I also love that it’s a metaphor for AJ overcoming her challenges. 

Where did the characters come from? Are they based on people you know?

The student characters are amalgams of the students I have worked with over the years. And the podcasters’ energy and tone will be recognizable to anyone who listens to podcasts!  

What did you try to achieve with this play?

From the outset I wanted to have an 8th grade girl reflecting on her own past behavior but I wanted to do it in a way that wasn’t preachy or condescending. The podcasters telling AJ’s story with an “actor” playing AJ gave me the device I needed for this to happen. It also added humor and an extra role! 

Do you have anything else you'd like to add?

I hope teachers take the opportunity to have students develop their own sponsor ads, and influencer lines. My students enjoyed being part of the writing process and really took ownership of their roles.