The Great Race

Book By: Val Cheatham
Play #: 2576
Pages: 20 pgs
Cast: Flexible cast of 16 or more

It’s one of the last days of summer and the morning starts normally for our forest friends. The ants are busy working, the bear wants to stop forest fires, and the grasshopper is doing his usual loafing. Meanwhile the fox, who is flat broke, is picking up a few dollars from the mice Stanley and Oliver by advising them to solve their cat problem by belling him. But when the sly fox learns the Great Race between the tortoise and the hare is about to take place, he devises a scheme to enter the crow and turn his few dollars into big winnings. Chicken, who thinks the sky is going to fall, is recruited by the fox to help in the charade. Lion supervises the important race with owls to advise. This one-act play with flexible casting is sure to keep young audiences enthralled.

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