Since its first appearance in 1898, Kenneth Grahame’s "The Reluctant Dragon" has delighted both young and old alike with its tale of the lazy dragon who shows the townspeople that they shouldn’t be prejudiced against dragons, or for that matter, people who are different. One early morning, on their way from the market, a mother and her young son pass the entrance to a dark cave where mysterious sounds are heard. They soon discover that a dragon has moved in and the son, being rather sensible, decides to visit the new neighbor. The young boy determines that the dragon is a nice sort of fellow who enjoys tea parties and making up poems. The boy spends many a night with the dragon who tells him tales of long ago about knights and princesses. But their pleasant times are numbered for down in the village, the townspeople start to gossip about the “wicked” beast, and with St. George, the dragon slayer, they start to plan the dragon’s destruction. About 45 minutes.