Product reviews for Promedy

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"The play worked well because it was up-to-date and funny but featured no offensive language. It was short enough to produce in a reasonable amount of time. The students loved the quick dialogue pace and the characterizations, and the audience got really involved in their energy and enthusiasm for the work." -- M.P., Director, Beurling Academy, Verdun, Quebec
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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"A hit! Very fun and relatable, a ton of laughs, got a lot of positive feedback from the community and made $300+ than last year's fall show."  -- S. M., Director, Timberview Middle School, Fort Worth, TX
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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"... our actors dove in to this production and made it their own with fantastic results! A bonus was that most of the students were just leaving 9th grade and eager to talk about prom. On the first day of camp, most of them expressed negative ideas about what they thought prom was, but by closing night, they had all agreed to go to their proms, even if they had to go with friends. I think they all felt like they'd just been to the best one of their lives because of all the great characters in the play." -- L.S., Director, The Neighborhood Playhouse, Bellingham, WA
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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