"Our students were able to relate to the characters and the script gave them a lot to work with. We had a lot of school support and our local CHP provided a crashed car. We left it on school grounds for the whole week of the play with the message Don't Text and Drive." We had pledge tickets for people as they came in the door. We invited people to keep one copy and tie another copy around the caution tape around the crash car. . Thank you for helping us to make a difference in the lives of our students, their families, friends and the community. We may never know how far reaching this has been and how many injuries and lives this has helped save." --Barstow HS, Barstow, California
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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School Spirit
"This show is a light-hearted play with a very serious and relevant message that all students need to hear- so much so that our principal asked us to perform it for the entire school after the community performance." -- R.C., Elwood (In) High School
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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School Spirit
"It's a great show! Simple set, it's a public service announcement/social awareness touch without being in your face about it." -- B.B., T.H. McDonald Junior High, Katy, TX