Product reviews for The Haunting of Will Shakespeare

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Haunting of Will Shakespeare
"The students that make up my small but award-winning drama troupe are giving high praise to Ms. Claudia Haas for her play, 'The Haunting of Will Shakespeare.'   And we are most pleased with the financial success that producing it has brought our program.  In a town like Hazard, KY, with a population of just around 5,000 people, to consistently increase our budget through ticket sales is a usual struggle, but not after producing Ms. Haas' work. We made enough from this weekend's four shows to fully fund next fall's productions.  On behalf of The Commodore Players, we would like to personally say to Ms. Haas, 'Thank you, Thank you, Thank you' for such a charming, imaginative play that allows for creative but cost-effective ideas for set and costuming.  Here's to much success in your play writing future." -- P.N. (Director), Commodore Players, Hazard, KY
Guest | 10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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