Six teenage friends hop into a car on a Friday night, determined to have a blast, and perhaps rekindle their fading relationships. But with high school over and the future beckoning, nothing can remain quite the same. Lynn and Bert discover their attraction for each other may not be enough to keep them together. Jay finds that the hometown he loves will never offer enough for him. Kate discovers that her friends may care more for her than she knows. Carl tries desperately to relive days that never were. And Monique, always the center of everything, discovers that the world she once knew may be gone forever. Each learns a bit about life and love, holding onto things and letting go of things, on the zany road to the town of Chumuckla. Two car seats or benches form the entire set of this highly-theatrical, 45-minute play that uses the audience's imagination for a funny, crazy, sometimes painful journey through dirt roads and broken dreams.