In this maritime musical comedy, a sequel to the musical "Don't Rock the Boat," a group of crazy castaways are shipwrecked in the middle of the South Pacific. But this isn't any old atoll! It belongs to Fantasy Tours, which create shipwrecks for wealthy clients, complete with jungle drums and a tribe of restless natives. The phony cannibals think the shipwrecked loonies are customers, and the passengers and crew think they're a real meal for the hungry island inhabitants! Add a band of homesick pirates, a belching volcano which demands a bride, a Robinson-Crusoe refugee who's ravenous for cheese, and top-secret U.S. Naval plans to use the island for target practice, and the hilarity explodes. The ten tunes in this tropical-pop musical will keep you island hopping! The score includes, "Law of the Island," "I Don't Think the Little Lady Understands," "The Ballad of Ben Cheddar," "Upon This Island," and the rousing title tune, "Lagooned!" One exterior set.