This comedic tale begins with the familiar version of the fairy tale featuring an overly kind Princess, a vain Prince and the traditional evil witch, but there are twists to come as the story gets retold from the viewpoints of the Prince and witch. The second version zigzags in a totally new direction as the poor Prince is turned into a frog and is then plagued and pursued by a horrid giggler of a Princess, who actually wants to kiss him! The third version lights up the stage as a beautiful young woman with magical abilities turns the Prince into a frog in an effort to teach him a lesson in love. Ultimately, the Prince learns that a kiss given freely and with love is to be his only salvation, but it isn't the kiss he is given, it is the kiss he must give. Other characters include Vito, the Prince's thug bodyguard; Belle, a cockney, wise-cracking maid; Ditto and Ibid, the witch's fast-talking, excitable sidekicks; several narrators; and Marcie, an endearing little girl frog in the lily pond. This delightful play works well with either adult or child actors and features easy costuming and staging.