A unique and relevant holiday drama that tells the story of a newly formed, mixed-religion family and the sometimes humorous, sometimes tense conflicts that arise during the Christmas/Hanukkah season. Sam, a Christian, and Michelle, a Jew, agreed when they married that, even though neither was especially religious, they would continue to celebrate the holidays the way their kids were used to. But it may not be that simple. Sam has a 13-year-old daughter, Marie, who is about to be confirmed. Michelle has a 17-year-old son, VJ, who rejects religion in favor of saving the environment, and 9-year-old daughter Alexis, who’s much more interested in the Christmas tree than the new menorah her mother just bought. Tensions rise when Michelle arrives home from work in a hurry to fix a Hanukkah dinner to find Sam putting up a Christmas tree. Normally a workaholic and currently in the middle of a defending a large chemical company, he’s totally forgotten the dinner. As Sam and Michelle argue, the kids start arguing, until finally Marie pushes the Christmas tree to the floor and runs out of the house with the menorah. Their mixed beliefs are further emphasized by the arrival of Sam’s mom and Michelle’s dad. The age-old question, if a tree falls will anyone hear it, can be answered, in this case, with a positive yes as ultimately they each learn bridge their differences and find common ground to become a loving family.