Here's a delightful adaptation of Mark Twain's witty stories about our beloved predecessors. We take Adam and Eve from the day she was "born" all the way through to her death with everything in between! It starts out with Adam feeling disgruntled because this new creature, Eve, wants to talk to him all the time, wants to put stars in her hair, and wants to name all the animals. The naming goes "recklessly on." And when Adam pushes Eve out of his shelter, those holes by her eyes start to leak! Eve, meanwhile, finds Adam unwilling to talk, because "perhaps he is not bright and wishes to conceal it." Their relationship mellows somewhat, especially after they have the strange creatures they eventually name Cain and Able and Gladys and Edwina. Decades later when Eve dies, Adam realizes it is better to live outside the Garden with her than to live inside it without her. Easy to produce.